Listener Links:
SteamPunk Synth.
iris versus Siri?
Magnet Magic.
Wow How about this one.
Big Brother E-Toll watching us.

Show Links:
Privacy in College.
No Privacy on Mobile.
Baby Play Staged?
RIM new whipping boy.
Sony Style?
Amazon Lockers.
Bill Shock Notices?
Einstein still right.
GE Solar.
Mobile Camera Showdown.
Playbook Plea?
Traffic Stats during RIM Blackout.
Battle for Public Domain.
Warner Brothers Clueless.
ICANN says bring it on.
Happy Birthday Email.
Cyborgs are Us.
QR Code Test.
iPad and iOS 5 Launch.
Apple to show us the Money.
Jobs Memorial.
Ceglia Tells Lawyer to Tell Judge NO!
T-Mobile 4g Unlimited.
Green Macbooks?
Amazon cleaning House.
500px App Rocks.
Did we get lucky?
Find My Friends = 1st Divorce.
Caffeine Express.
Magnet Madness (MUST WATCH).
Radical Moog Synth on iPad.
Instapaper App.
Mark Cuban on OWS.
Asteroids are Coming.
Our Last Transit of Venus!
Virgin Atlantic in Images.
Virgin Atlantic Signs NASA Contract.
Siri Then and Now.
H.265 Spec due in Feb.
iPad replace Playbook.
100 Year Space Mission?
Fake Voice.
Vdio can it Deliver?
Android Fragmentation.
iCloud or Google??
Siri Fix.
iPad Case Comments.
Black Friday PS3 Package.
Your Kidding Correct?

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer
