Listener Links:
Receipt Re-Design.
Wallops Island – NASA Video
The Verge.
No Aliens.

Show Links:
What was the Air Force Thinking?
IOS 5.0.1 Air Update.
Estonian Botnet.
Facebook Privacy to Change to Opt In.
Sony Playstation SDK.
EBS Warns No One.
Viacom Losing Argument.
Warner Brothers To Good to Check.
Comcast IPV6.
Samsung Galaxy Tab Review.
Chinese Launch Telecomm in US?
Net Neutrality Saved!
Japanese / English App.
Boxee TV Tuner.
Amazon App Store Update 2.0
Belgian ISP Extortion.
Spotify coming to Roku.
Adobe Flash RIP?
Native Google Hangout for Chrome.
Bullet Proof Clipboard.
Nook vs Kindle Fire.
Rover ready to Launch.
Russian Mars Probe in Trouble.
Boeing 787.
HTC to Sync to iTunes.
Infrared Sensor on iPhone 4s.
Healthcare Startup Time?
Zynga gets slapped hard.
Google supports Startup-Weekend.
Big Bang Gas Cloud.
Google + Student + Camera = Prize.

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer