Listener Links:
Smartphone of Future.
Give me my Files.
Pirate Party – Pirate Bay.
IE Makes up Ground.
PlayStation 4
UK Big Brother.
Hand Gestures.
4-1-12 Gag.
MPAA gets Nasty with Cyber Lockers.
Startup Weekend Pittsburgh.
Shuttle Decommissioning.

Show Notes:
Senators think FTC are Magicians.
Tornado on Mars.
Boeing Spacecraft.
Owe Taxes not Travel for You!
MediaFire called out?
Spanish SOPA in play.
Sky News Hacking Email Accounts?
600,000 Macs Hacked!
Get Mobile Site for Free.
Predators banned from xBox Live etc.
Jobs Act is a Go!
Arianna Demoted 🙂
Indie Bookseller Sites Canceled.
Viacom wins one against YouTube.
iPhone 4s comes to Regional Markets.
Sony Regorups?
New Hydrogen Reactor.
Cutting the Cords.