Show Notes:
Colleges headed for Extinction?
BitTorrent DOS Attacker.
YouTube in Decline on Purpose.
T-Mobile & Sprint join Forces.
Facebook IPO range.
BestBuy Shakeup.
Yahoo Axes CEO.
Apple Update.
No SAT brain Scan Instead.
Facebook Pay to Play.
Counting Crows rocks P2P.
LightSquared Files Chapter 11.
Twitter Email.
Wireless Emergency Alert.
Windows 8 Parental Control.
Amazon AWS Bill Tracking.
350 Pages to Explain Fair Use?
Woz says Apple to Open Up.
121 Megapixel Image of Earth.
Kickstarter Hacked.
No Apple iTV here.
Apple TV Rumor mill earns someone Millions.
Bitcoin Exchange robbed again.
Ivy Bridge + Mountain Lion = June Baby!
Facebook Shares all Public Info.
Yepp it was Hot!
Hack Proof your Android.
iPad Etch a Sketch.
Factory Reset.
Solar System Missing Boundry!
SpaceX Launch Saturday.
Soyuz Ready to Launch.
Lucky Shot.
Shuttle 747 Unloading.
That was Close.
Windows Phone gets Linked In.
Zune Hardware was Mistake?
Bionic Eye.
Geek Wall Paper.
Desktop Cannon.
Facebook App Update.
Solyndra Penny on Dollar Sale.
iCloud Outage.
MacBook Pro Update Options.