Show Notes:
Conversation Network Adios.
Jelly Bean Root.
Save money on iPhone Upgrade switch Carriers.
Ford Navigation App.
Google+ at 100 Million Active Users.
Live from the ISS!
BMG $20.00 Demand on Six Strikes.
Diamonds Galore.
Time to go SSD?
Patent Troll Impact to Small Business.
Apps can get you Arrested in Syria.
No Pictures in Art Book with College Course.
How suing is not always the best strategy.
Masten crashes test vehicle.
Japanese Supply Ship Undocks from ISS.
Paying for Office every Month?
10 Million hack on Subway.
Why iPhone 5?
Curiosity on the Move!
** IE Zero Day Bug.
Sext = > Sex in Teens.
Standing in line already for iPhone 5.
Cable Companies can purchase Telcos.
Warp Speed a Reality?
Google buys Photo Editor.
Helmet that calls for Help.
Windows 8 Tablet Pricing.