Show Notes:
No Food Pictures Allowed.
DNA Guns!
Pirate Bay Offline?
Don’t Jailbreak that device or go to Jail.
Linksys goes to Belkin..
8 inch Samsung Tablet.
Can we achieve Singularity?
Secret Backdoors in your Gear?
My Prediction of the Google Test Network.
Apple Shares drop like a rock!
AR Glasses help partial Blind.
Old Rocket Motors teach new Tricks.
The Mass California Exodus.
GEMA does not love Mega!
Patents & Employees.
Boeing 787 Has Serious Issues.
Microsoft Billions in Profit.
Going Retro!
Who owns your Followers?
BitTorrent working on file Sysnc.
Samsung Earns Billions.
Cheaper Surface Coming?
Vine 6 Seconds of Action.
Facebook blocks Vine?
Facebook blocks Yandex?