Show Notes:
CNET gets the Boot!
JAVA is on the Hitlist.
Some Mobile Lessons.
Mega covering 6?
New Map of Ocean Fiber.
Chinese Hacking Epidemic.
Yahoo Hacked Easy!
Vine Thoughts.
Mood Lamp.
OSX Virus Protection under Test.
Office 365 Good Deal?
Amazon Offline.
EU Citizens Warned about American Cloud.
ICE Seizes NFL Sites.
Firefox Axes Java.
Obama Admin Sides with Publishers versus Universities.
MacPro Sales in Europe Halted.
Ford Developer Program.
LG Optimus G.
Playstation 4.
Plunger like No Other.
Time Warner takes a Hit.
Google Glasses FCC.
Apple Tv & HBO?
SpaceX Scores a Launch.
SuperBowl Live.
Superman Cycle Outfits.
Making a Half Pipe.
Blackberry 10 Amusement.
$50.00 Quad Rotor.