Show Notes:
DOJ Back Door.
Space Coffee.
iOS7 & Flat.
Curved OLED TV.
Volvo Flywheel.
OSX 10.9
Internet Tax.
MLB on YouTube.
Foursquare Data.
Dailymotion Deal.
Google Now for iOS.
Cant Park.
Spaceship II under Power.
Cool Windows Phone commercial.
Patent Trolls.
25 Years Locked up.
Face Recognition at Statue of Liberty.
Rasberry Pi and Remote Car.
Opportunity goes Standby.
Progress Docks.
Ghost Blogging Platform.
Google Glass Hacking A OK.
Chat versus SMS.
DOE E Track Record.
Japanese and their Pen and Pencils.
New Media Show.
Pirates get Powned.
Saturn Hurricane.
Android Sales.
Facebook Decline.
Paypal in Retail.
787 Airborne.