Show Notes:
Snowden gets Asylum.
Snowden Offered a Job.
SpaceX Scores Canadian Contract.
Glass banned at Google.
BitTorrent Has a close call.
EZTV Fights Back.
No Money for Party.
Verizon gets Stupid.
Google Fiber Sports Package.
Android Leader of the Pack.
Nexus 7 Review.
Chromecast Review.
FBI Mobile Tactics.
Google Search Gets Police Visit.
Salt Meter.
Chromecast Apps Rolling Out.
Cord Cutter Stats.
Curiosity 1 Year on Mars Video.
Time Warner Numbers Down.
Root New Nexus 7.
NYC YouTube Studio.
USB 3.1 10GBPS
Ban on IAT.
US Workers more Productive?
ITC Delays Samsung Ban.
No Glass in UK vehicles.
737 in Bedroom.
iPhone Hacked by Charger.
Office 365 to Android.
What where they Thinking?
Unlocking Bill Passes Committee.