Show Notes:
Velvet Rope Approach.
What happens when Servers are turned off?
Twitter Screws Devs #1
Twitter Screws Devs #2
Twitter Scres Devs #3
Apple TV Business #1
Apple TV Business #2
Boxfish App (Cool).
Ustream 20% Mobile!
HD Skype Podcast Solution.
Google Search your Gmail?
2 Million to Hack Chrome.
Verizon doubles AWS spectrum.
Google Play Gift Card.
Twitter Audio Feed.
Square Flat rate.
Facebook Users can Snitch out Friends.
Facebook Deletes Photos Finally.
Sun’s Shape.
Stars playing Bumper Cars.
Cable Bills Going Up!
Dossiers of Hackers!
UTorrent users Freak.
US has to give up Documents.
Pirate Bay reacts to Google Ban.
Klout Refresh.
Anonymous Hacks Sony Again.
Judge says Apple Smoking Crack.
Curiosity Latest Image.
Targeted Political Ads.
Windows 8 Scary?
Parking Spot Sensors.
License Plate Readers.
Fingerprint Authentication.
Malware attacking Power Plants?
Android Flash RIP.
Assange few Options.
Apple Store Employees Expendable.
Facebook Stock.
Cool Brackets
Pivot Power.