Show Notes:
Will storm take out Data Center?
Millions without Power.
200+ Data Centers Brace for Impact.
Some Sites Offline.
Titan Super Computer.
Apple Shake Up.
Windows 8 Core Apps Questions.
RT – Read Me First.
Win 8 Phone 150k Apps.
Win 8 Upgrade Diary.
New Skype for Windows Phone.
Supreme Court Case on Copyright.
Worst Passwords.
Yahoo Ignores Do Not Track.
Liberty for Security?
FBI 24/7 Finally?
France Playing Hard Ball.
GameStop Kids?
Netflix & Sandy.
Paypal cutting Jobs.
Facebook Mobile Ads Suck.
EFF Fights for Aereo.
RapidShare Loosens Up.
Mega to Launch on Raid Anniversary.
DOJ Fight MegaUpload.
Search Warrants to be Opened?
AMD/Arm in 2014?
Snapchat or Licence to Abuse?
HP Printers.
Flash 11 Payload.
Bodyboard – Powered.
Wireless Charging.
Dragon Recovered with Cargo.
iPad as Second Screen.
Steve Jobs Yacht.