Show Notes:
Parents Beware.
President can Order Pre-Emptive Cyber Attack.
CES Protest?
Company Social Media Tip.
DEA Takes Prescription Records without Warrant.
Navy cuts Ships.
HP Chromebook.
Lenovo Thinkpad Delayed.
Microsoft Blink.
Stitcher has new App.
Amazing Technology.
MXL Diversifies.
Superbowl Not on Internet.
House of Cards.
Steampunk Reactor Watch.
RIAA 10 Million takedowns.
Beer Powered Brewery.
Anonymoous at War?
iOS 6.1 Jailbreak.
Twitter Hacked.
DOE Hacked.
Twitter Two Factor.
Coursera Pulls Course.
Digg Traffic.
Super Wifi.
Google Settlement with France.
User Support works.
Employee Destroys Employers Computers.
Oracle releases Java Update AGAIN!
Curiosity Drills.