Show Notes:
Get a Warrant,
No Spying.
Spying companies get Amnesty.
Lost Fiber.
Fifth Amendment HD battle.
Iceland Court ruling on Wikileaks.
Prenda Collusion?
Sold in 2 Minutes.
TWC Desperate in Austin.
T-Mobile Slammed.
Google Drive Collaboration.
Word on Chrome.
Amazon Earnings.
US Marines and Copyright.
CBS gunning for Aereo in Boston.
Appeal win in Fair use.
Canada Muzzles Citizens.
Wifi in Magazines.
SSD data Recovery.
Einstein Validated Again.
Internet Sales Tax #1
Internet Sales Tax #2.
210k to see Tim Cook?
AP gets Hacked.
1 Year Purgatory Over.
New Doppler Radar.
Buying Followers.
Bird Flu.
CISPA Dead in Senate.
New York Time Glass App.
AWS – 750 Million? and your Account.
Swat Bot.
Old = Boring = ?
Flying Insect Photography.
Instapaper Purchased.
Mobile Streaming and Podcasting.
Amazon Set Top Box.
Swype is Out.
Chevy Spark EV.