Listener Links:
Wallops Island Space Research!
Delorean that Fly’s
Show Notes:
Google Hires Kevin Rose and Crew WT?
What’s a Geek!
7-12-12 Is ISP Spy on You Day!
Are you an Authorized Charger?
iPad 3 tear down.
PayPal takes on Square.
URL’s and Names don’t Mater?
Sprint Bails on LightSquared.
Hulu Player gets Bigger.
Sony Bloggie Sport.
Givit gives to Flip Users.
Buffalo Air Station.
Toilet Tip.
iPad the new Video Camera?
Mozilla to support h.264?
70,000 feet Skydive!
NASA Montage.
LRO Video.
Google Coal Miners.
SpaceX to ISS April 30th!
A Big Amazon Cloud!
New Mars Rover Tweeting.
Verizon vs AT&T on 4G LTE!
Facebook still #1 Divorce Machine.
Artist continue to get Screwed.
MPAA still has big Heads!
Patriot Act Expanding.
Do you Really need that Unlimited Data Plan?