Show Notes:
Podcast Awards Open on Oct 1st.
Where is Digital Education Headed?
Chinese by the Numbers?
Warrantless on the Climb.
Dish to be Digital?
Mars Streams.
Sensors that Dissolve. to pay Devs.
Moms with Boys!
Thin USB 3.0 Drive.
Win 8 Tablets.
Kingston SDXC!
Rim Losses Mount.
Black Friday Deals?
Portable BBC Leads the Way.
AT&T New Mifi.
Pay with QR Codes.
Zeebox to US.
Dish High Speed Internet.
Google Field Trip.
Wag the Tail?
Job Hunting Tip.
Logitech HD Skype Camera.
Set Top Box Review.
Facebook Privacy.
Protect your Lunch.
California Companies no SM Spying.
Red goes 5K.
NZ PM Apologies to Dotcom.
Portugal File Sharing OK!
Mediacomm Users Beware.
Space Debris.
Missed a Big One.
Chinese Copycats.
Google Employee Risks.