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Show Links to all Kinds of Great Tech & Science News

GNC #737 Shame on Hawaii Legislature!

Special Links:
Visit TPN.TV

Show Links:
Two Hawaii Legislatures have lost their minds!
Investigating Google New Privacy Policy?
North Korea + Cell Phone = War Criminal!
FBI wants to index Social Sites!
Google Privacy Policy and Business / Gov’t!
Google the Drug Dealer.
Samsung Profits.
Apple TV 1.4 Million more units sold.
Netflix + 800 Devices = Wow
Happy B-Day Firefox.
Spectrum Wars.
Symantech Warning.
Traffic Spike on File Lockers.
1 In Jail – 2 on Bail.
FBI Sued?
Twitter Censors!
Mackie iPad Mixer.
Super Wi-Fi!
Google Earth Update!
TechMeme.com Update
Data Storage at Google!
P2P Victory!
Space Water.
Progress Departs ISS.
Our Home!
Mozy Offers New Services.
My kind of Charger.
Press Freedom Ranking.
Railroad Crossing Controls Safe.
Xbox 720 Rumors.
Polish ACTA Protest.
Xbox Gold Discount.
UK Signs ACTA.
Cool Table

GNC #736 Voice of Tech

Special Links:
TPN Round Table
Amazon Prime Hawaii
Precrime Bill?
ISS Movie
Hawaii In the News “Yuck”

Show Links:
Warrant Required.
Give up that Password!
The Real Pirates.
No Bail Yet.
Mega Jail.
Show me the Money!
Running Scared.
We want to Cuddle.
Anon Ventures.
UFC Taps Out.
$4500 Polo Shirt.
No Cell Phone for You!
Active Presenter.
App Inventor.
T-Mobile Cashes In.
Nicknames Ok Sometimes.
Mobile + PC + Table = Same Interface?
HDD Prices Dropping.
Massive Solar Flare.
Not That Hot.
Google Stacks Deck.
Google Feature Creep.
Valley Salaries.
Inside Apple.
Google Annoyance?
Voyager Cools Down.
Opportunity Ready for Winter.
Venus Transit.
Worst Nightmare!
Spotify Apps.
Dodd Dirty?
Linux Command Gouge.

GNC #735 Back in the Saddle

Show Links:
7 Charged / Arrested as FBI raids Megaupload
MegaUpload Mega Bank Accounts.
Mega Loot Seizure.
Mega Bandwidth.
Mega Anonymous Attack.
Anonymous Attacked Sites.
Did you help Anonymous?
MegaUpload Alternatives.
Driven to Piracy.
Vice President goes Fund Raising during SOPA Blackout!
Senate Leaders Back Off Privacy IP Act.
SOPA / PIPA Sponsor Bail Ship.
RIAA cannot stand it.
Copyright Forever?
NASA says no UFO?
Massive Saturn Storm.
Gemini Digital Archive.
90 Million Google+ Users @ 60% per day!
Google Gigabit Network Delays.
Google TV Versus Android TV (Weird)
Google TV Updates Annually.
R&D headed to Asia?
To Many Ads get Penalized by Google.
Kodak RIP?
Jailbreak Now?
250,000,000 Android Devices.
Very Bad Timing.
TWC App for iPhone now as well.
Google Q4 results.
Microsoft Q2 Earnings.
Apple Education Announcements.

GNC #734 Happy New Year

Show Links:
Awesome US Map.
CES App for Android.
PostSecret Pulls App.
Spanish SOPA Worse.
No Surfing in Belarus.
Apple Media Event.
An Apple TV Jailbroke running iOS Apps.
European Super Volcano?
Lyn Mac Photo Manager.
WordPress plugin makes your site Torrent Tracker.
Ohio Fracking Halted.
Nuclear Option.
Second Moons of Earths.
Pharma Wars.
1-4 Meteor Shower.
Chrome @ 20%.
Verizon backs down.
Sir Jonathan Ive.
Commodore 64 @ 30.
ASUS under Pressure.
Course Kit gets 5 Million.
Google Election Site.
Your Kidding.
Change for a million please.
Verizon Unlimited Data.
Steve Jobs Action Figure (Weird).
New Years Ball.
Kindle Free option not Good.
Nest Real World Review.
LG TV Details.
Stanford Apple Archives.
WP7 Phone Unlocker Pulled.
Two in Orbit around Moon.
LightSquared gets Reprieve.
iDevices in 2012.
12 Smartgrid Startups.
Favorite Apps.
Split a Bill App.

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer

GNC #733 Soapbox Time!

Show Links:
GoDaddy Opposes SOPA and PIPA
What about these Companies still supporting SOPA?
Who’s the Next Target.
I Need a Alternative to This.
Ocean Marketing Utter Fail!
Unbelievable Email from Ocean Marketing Idiot.
The Product.
Verizon 4G LTE Lights Out Again.
Nintendo Wii U
Alibaba buys some Political Influence.
Website Vulnerability Announcement.
Tom Anderson on Google+ Profile Censoring.
Graphic Link Baiting
Live Action Camera Remote.
Hunting for Aliens on Moon.
Lego LHC.
HTC Unlocks Androids.
EFF vs US Gov’t.
Copyright Office and DMCA.
Punish DMCA and SOPA Abusers?
1 Billion App Downloads.
LG Goes Large.
Robot Love.
Spy Bizarre.
Vending Machines in Japan.
15% cover their IP P2P Tracks.
GOGO Insights.
Google+ On the Rise.
New iPad (Rumor).
Mini LED Light.
Apple iTV Contracts.
Apple TV Roadmap.
Jailbreak Gouge.
See where your bags go.
Android Phone Advice.
The Gadget Professor.
50K Windows Phone Apps.
New SSD Drives.
Disk Recovery Extreme.
LinkedIn Resume Builder.

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer

GNC #732 GoDaddy CEO Interview

Show Links:
GoDaddy Interview on SOPA.
Snow Tire Hacks for your Bike.
Storing those decorations.
Facebook Saves Woman and her Son.
What everyone got for Christmas.
New AR Drone controllers.
iPad Killer in Six Months?
Your New Mac Tips.
Japan Panel report on Nuclear Leak.
Charles Babbage.
Warner Brothers sued!
1095 Best Buy HDMI Cable.
Customer reviews 1095 HDMI Cable.
Custom Bookcase.
LG Pay to Play @ CES?
Shave ok – iPad Not?
Cyber Insurance.
Online Gambling now Ok?
Need Slipper?
ISS Videos explained.
No Christmas Spirit.
Health Apps.
Roku Gift Guide.
LG Announced Ice Cream Sandwich.
Boxee 1.5 Due.
Apple 12 days of Christmas after Christmas.
Amazon UK 12 Days of Christmas.
Windows Phone 7 Superior.
Apps are media?

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer

GNC #731 Happy Holidays

Listener Links:
Inside Space Shuttle Atlantis.
30 Years of Toys.

Show Links:
Norad Tracking Santa!
SOPA Witch Hunters.
YC Demo Day Boycotts SOPA Supporters.
Frog 1 – Frog Owner -1
Twitter fires Edelman?
Wireless Leash.
Democratizing Video aka Leveling the Playing Field.
Veoh Court victory “Safe Harbors”
Archos 70b
Toddy Gear.
Microsoft Leaving CES.
AT&T gets Christmas Present.
IPTV Malaysian Gov Channel.
Google Pays 300 Million per Year to Mozilla/Firefox.
RIAA Wasn’t Me Defense. (Taste of own Medicine).
OnStar in Car Video?
Education Website Infographic.
NASA close Flyby of Vesta.
Comet Lovejoy Stunner!
Multi-Function Spoon.
Gas to Power iPhone for 20 Years>
Verizon Gets Serious on Set Top Box!
Republic Wireless Unlimited is Unlimited.
Republic Wireless worth a Look.
FCC is a Go White Space Broadband Devices.
Dodgy cash Machines.
Data Security takes a break in 2011.
Tesla S at 49.9k
FTC wants Icann hold on new TLD’s
LHC New Particle.
USTR List Rouge Websites on Hit List.
Web is Getting Bigger Literally.
Case Study in no DRM.
Want Righthaven.com?

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer

GNC #730 Two Massive Contest!

Listener Links:
Go to facebook.com and type: Let it Snow.
SOPA already here?
Mysterious LTE Chip.
Smallest Black Hole.
Concrete Buffer Gone Wild.
More Stories on Jobs?
BBC Codelab – Hack to the Future.
Sending Music to the Cloud.
ASUS upping its Game?
Chrome now #1?

Show Links:
The Evil Dictator is Dead!
Don’t burn your house down!
iPhone Mod.
SOPA Insanity.
Senator Reid and Protect IP Act.
SOPA Tactics in Play in Courts Already!
RIAA loves these countries censor tactics.
Verizon ignoring Net Neutrality.
RIAA Hypocrites.
AT&T + T-Mobile = Deal RIP.
What’s next for T-Mobile.
Google+ Updates.
Apple TV the Plan.
Google+ App Updated.
Facebook Name Drama.
Netbook Robot.
Discovery Powered Down.
Free Skype WiFi.
Scammers on Loose be careful.
LED the Future.
Children and Gadgets.
Sky blocks Newzbin.
Andreessen Predictions.
Firefox 9.
Google Glasses?
12 Hours of Code Later.
Hard Drive Warranties Changing.
MIT Digital School.
HBO Go Update.
Apple beats HTC.
H.264 King of the Hill.
Drugs in the Air!
IBM The Future is Here.
New Media 1st.
Olympus LS-100.
Sennheiser Update.
Magellan gets new Eyes.
Bionics are Now.
Find my Car.
Nokia Windows Phone.
Watch out overhead.
Tip of the Day.

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer

GNC #729 Task Saturation @ 195%

Show Links:
Snow Angel in Space.
iPad2 Power Discovery!
IE6 to Be Auto updated to Extinction
Cell Phone Ban?
Comet 1 – Sun 0
Google TV Thoughts.
Solar Panel Breakthrough.
Google Drive Patent.
UMG has to Answer up to Judge.
Apple TV Update.
Slingplayer for Google TV.
Roku iPhone Remote.
Dell kills Netbooks.
Harpoon a Comet.
NASA Space Taxi Service.
SpaceX ready for ISS Docking.
P2P fines in Finland.
Wiley goes after P2P Users.
Save Space with the Tea Pot (Gizmo)
Facebook Logs Everything!
CEA Update.
Pogoplug Version 4.
Amazing Scams.
Lawyer to Lobbyist = Payoff.
Intel goes to Battle Stations.
Higs Boson?
Black Hole to get Fed!
Supernova Captured.
LG Launching Wireless HDMI.
P2P by French President?
CarrierIQ and FTC meet.
Visa Breach.
Million Kindles a Week.
Blogging Platform Reliability.
No More Apps.
Data Center Facts.
Skiers Heads Up!

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer

GNC #728 Biggest Goof of the Year!

Listener Links:
Aliens Close to Mercury?
Moon Rocks MIA?
Panic Button Pushed at Campus.
No Deci-Bull!
Kindle Touch Jailbreak.
Google to Park Jets for a Trade.
Skype Monitoring!
47 Year Old Television Signal?
Dish & T-Mobile?

Show Links:
Wikipedia Total Blackout?
Verizon says Take Shelter?
Amazon to update Kindle Fire.
Windows Phone Unlocked Toolz.
Apple using Patent Troll!
Dissecting OPEN!
Apple gets Crafty!
Apple TV 32% of Market?
22 Android Apps Removed!
Gadget Fatigue?
Gracenote Second Screen!
Rare Steve Jobs Video.
Europa We GO?
AT&T Spectrum Buy Under Review.
BIY Robot.
Domain Censorship Investigation.
Due Process out the Window.
Speak Out get Arrested?
The Battle for Public Domain.
Predator used in Domestic Police Actions.
Verizon + Netflix = Whats Next?
AdBlock to give Weird Option.
FOIA from FBI rejected for CarrierIQ?
$99.00 HP Touchpads sell in 10 minutes.
Smallest Steam Engine!
Angry Birds Update.
Sheen Fail.
1 Billion Rev Shortfall?
57 Million I think Not!
Amazon Cloud Tops.
LightSquared ready to go to war.
WOW! Village Idiot!

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer