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Show Links to all Kinds of Great Tech & Science News

GNC #748 Apple TV Fail

Show Notes:

Facebook Whales.
Graphics Long Road Ahead.
LED Efficiency!
Insight of a Copyright Infringer.
Citibank App Kindle Fire.
Invasion of Privacy?
TSA Scanners Hack?
National Parks View.
100 Million Smartphones.
4g Scam.
Skype Update.
Apple TV #1
Apple TV #2
Apple TV #3.
The New iPad Data Costs.
Verizon win – AT&T Loose.
Ford Tablet Support.
Adobe Lightroom.
Google Hangout for Blind.
YouTube Channels.
Simple Suction Cup.
iPad Stylus.
Pirate Bay 30% less BW.
Hotfile Under Fire.
ISS Engine Burn Photo
Sun Solar Flare.
More Apollo!
Redbull Skydive Capsule.
Atom Image.
Roku Going International.
Speed of Light Chip.
IT – iPod, iPad- iPhone Management.
Clearwire Wimax.
Amazon EC2 Changes.
Archos G9 Update.

GNC #747 Early Show

Listener Links


Show Notes:
Messenger for Facebook?
China 15 Million iPhones?
Ford – MyFord Touch Announcements.
MyFord Touch Upgrade Kit.
BigStock Photo.
Apple TV Rumors.
Devon Tread Watch AKA Cool.
Voice Gun.
MegaUpload Extradition.
Torrent Standards Wars.
Apollo 15 Site and Images.
See Mars tonight.
Awesome Weather.
Buy it Now.
iPhone Smuggler.
SXSW Parties.
FCC on Dish
Android App Tool.
Dave and Adam.
iPad3 LTE?
iPad3 Shipping.
Foursquare and Walgreens.
Security Business Booming.
This is It isn’t It.
FCC wants your Comments.
Emergency Apps.
Flickr False DMCA Fallout.
Drunk on Smartphone.
File Sharing goes Underground.
RIAA Hypocrites.
TVGuide.com buys Fav.TV.
Windows 8 Love it or Hate It?

GNC #746 Back from DC

Listener Links

Connected of Not?

Show Notes:
What is wrong with ICANN?
FBI Deactivates 3000 GPS Devices.
RIAA crying about SOPA feels picked on.
Vigilante Jamming Cell Phones.
AT&T Unlimited / Limited Plan!
Brute Force or Password Guess?
No More Privacy at Google.
$35.00 Linux Computer.
Browser Share.
Election Machines Hacked.
Taxi Technology Battlefield.
Shutterfly buys Kodak Site.
iPad3 Retina App Concerns.
Aereo Suit.
Zynga Lauches own Site.
Google vs Santorum.
Photo Online Magazine.
Dropping dead in your 40’s
Firefox and Windows 8 Metro.
Cox to Kill free ride on VOD.
Mini iPad?
Kim Dotcom Questions!
Spanish Antipiracy Protest Unique.
Windows 8 Kill Switch.
Stars Adios from Netflix. (Good Riddance)
Google Web History.
Hide YouTube History.
.com Insanity.
Sony Waterproof Camera.
Android and iOS similar Security Bugs.
Windows 8 Consumer Preview Exceeds 1 Million.
Sandia Smart Outlet.

GNC #745 Live in DC

Listener Links

No Lemonade Stand For You!

Show Notes:
New Twitter Ads.
Ivy Bridge Delayed.
No More Novocaine?
Prosthetic Breakthrough.
Selling that iPad 1 or 2?
AT&T wants to Double Dip!
Kinect to Follow you at Whole Foods.
Editor Change at Tech Crunch.
Carrier IQ try’s again.
Aircraft Mothballs.
Anchor gets Fiber Cable.
False DMCA Takedown’s
Copyright Claim on Birds Signing!
Gazelle Interview.
Yale Locks.
Digital Mastercard.
iPad Games.
Oscar Movies.
Shower Water Monitor.
Portion Control Container.
Most expensive Mug Ever “Man Gear”
Megaupload Leader Speaks.
New Battery Weather.

GNC #744 Listen and Win!

Listener Links

25 Million MPH Winds!
TGP #46

Show Notes:
Indestructible Keyboard.
Google Cablevision!
MegaUpload Leader out of Jail!
Roku Remote Update.
Tivo Device and Earnings.
Google Voice Update.
HTML5 Encryption?
Windows Supports Extended.
Throttling Pointless!
Apple Earnings Call.
Scoble not VC Yet!
GPS Jammers spell Trouble.
Plesk Vulnerability.
Privacy Bill of Rights.
SanDisk says Flash King by 2024.
Fridge Nuking.
2 Sleep Cycles.
Don’t worry Fellows!
Distracted Driving Rules.
500 Billion Galaxies.
4th Planet Type Discovered.

GNC #743 Nat Innovation Alliance

Show Notes:
National Innovation Alliance Discussion.
National Innovation Alliance Facebook Page.
1 Atom Transistor.
Blockbuster – Tivo Streaming.
Mavio Review.
eers Review.
iPhone Lawsuit Settled.
Pirate Bay Infringes – Do Tell!
Google Others Spying on IE Users.
Chrome Password Management.
Riders in Legislature for FCC Benefit.
YouTube Google+ Updates.
Pinterest Explosive Growth.
Foxconn Inspection Joke.
Google Ramps up in Iowa?
Basic Laws of Physics and Stupid People.
50 Years Since Historic Orbital Flight.
Windows Home Server 2011 Upgrade.
Nevada wants Self Driving Cars.
One Step Closer to Robot Rule!
30000 Year Old Plant.
New Artificial Meat?
Are you Geeky Enough for NASA?
RIAA Collapsing?
Entertainment Truth in Numbers.
Universal Music Pulls Song due to Infringement.
Mars Odyssey Images.
VLC 2.0
Apple Green Initiatives.
Root you Sony Google TV!
DNA Sequencer in a USB Stick.
Temple Run and the Android.
Apple Store Refund?
Bed Privacy Tent.
My Kind of a Garage.
Karaoke Device?

GNC #742 Brown Bag Inspectors?

Show Notes:
We really give to much access to our data.
HBO comes to Samsung SmartTV.
Samsung 2012 HDTV Pricing.
Clear LTE Coming June 2013.
Ramos Alarm Clock!
NCTA wants Encryption!
Swiss Space Garbage Truck.
Want to ride a rocket a 160 feet?
OS X Mountain Lion Review.
GateKeeper Silo of Apple.
AT&T Needs Spectrum Bad.
Q4 Windows 8.
YouTube Stars.
Aereo for Local TV.
Twitter Hates you Too?
Google Next RIAA Target.
UK gets in Acts of Seizing Websites.
Sweeden P2P Conviction $15.00 Per Infringement.
Please Tell me this is Aprils Fools. (Gross)
Idiot of the Week.
Wii has Hulu Plus Now!
Ad Sales Event for Digital!
Brands Growing on Google+
Get your Wallets Out.
Nasty Flash Bug.
RC + Basement = Dedication.
Brown Bag Inspector in N.C.?
Robocalls smacked down!
Jotform.com Seized more Gov’t Abuse.
Collaboration with the Enemy the Issue.

GNC #741 Back from Windy City

Show Notes:
Surfbeam 2 only 20k!
Iran Blackout.
Do you Trust your Hosting Provider?
Google can buy Motorola Mobility.
Apple files suit on Motorola Mobility.
Google TV – YouTube App Update.
Cannon 300 Copter Cam.
ESA New Rocket.
PSVITA Launch Coming.
Kodak – End of Era.
North Korea – Ironic Photo.
Camelback Water Bottle with UV.
Are you Sharing or Stealing?
Kill Television?
Fox in the Hen House?
The Real Story.
Apple Show us the Money.
Hack Attacks around the Clock.
FlickrExport Review.
LHC to ramp up!
Work PC & Politics.
ISS gets amazing Norther Light Images.
Gaming Kickstarter Blows Through Records
1.7 Million and Counting.
AT&T Cracks down on 5%.
Theft Penalties Match Up!
ApceX Cots Pushed to April.
Used Car Warranties.

GNC #740 Google Solution!

Listener Links:
Roku 49.99
Anonymous versus FBI/Scotland Yard.

Show Notes:
Sorry No Atlantis.
Old Milwaukee Scores.
Awesome WordPress Plugins.
Kick them while their Down.
Are you a Lifetime Customer?
Start Button RIP?
Trendnet Cams Big Security Risk!
Apple HDTV $1499.00 Best Buy?
Password Lapse.
Anti-SOPA / PIPA Coalition.
Apple Warns Developers.
Apple Loosing Key People.
Six Strike System Moving Forward.
I’ll Never Go Back.
Super Bowl and Twitter Stats.
600 Million Year drought on Mars.
Mars Avalanche.
New P2P Copyright Fight.
Does your Phone Crash?
Heads Up Display in Google Goggles.
Heated Gloves.
Weather Cube?
Oh my Colon!
BTJunkie Runs for the Hills.
Redbox + Verizon = Stream!
Redbox buys Blockbuster Express.
The Demise of TV!
Electronics Geek App.
Max bandwidth competition in Russia.
Rogers LTE Device.
Amazon Stores?
Human Price of Apple Products.

GNC #738 The Voice

Special Links:
Visit TPN.TV

Show Links:
They are not Loosing Money!
Not Riding one of these!
Google getting Beat Up!
Broadband by the Numbers.
Square allows instant donations to candidates.
Tweet wrong thing get Deported.
T-Mobile have Data? Don’t Roam!
Anonymous to Late on ACTA!
pcAnywhere given clean bill of health.
Verizon Domain Squatters on Defense.
Streaming Scoreboard.
Apple Airport Utility Upgrade.
Family Data Plan for Verizon.
AT&T gets desperate.
LastPass Update.
Buy Hacked Traffic.
Entertainment Industry wants Censorship.
SETI Lives.
Super Nova.
Insane Base Jumping.
15k Lumen LED Light!
Office 15 Soon!
My Kind of Whisk!
Trekkie Table!
Camera Box.
Apple shuts Channel 4 down.
MegaUpload Data.
Zuckerberg Roommate Mistake.
Carrier IQ prevention and disclosure Bill.
FDA Staffer Sue (Good Luck).
Angry Birds and Piracy.
Dutch ISP not Blocking Pirate Bay.
Airport Power Outlets..