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Show Links to all Kinds of Great Tech & Science News

GNC #727 Loaded and Ready

Great week here in Austin coming to a close. I have been beyond busy this week. Lots of great business developments and a whole host of other activities. Back in Hawaii until I leave for CES!


Subscribe Today: Google TV Prediction?
Verizon + Redbox =?
Seized Domain Returned.
Twitter Upgrade.
Flipboard for iPhone big Hit.
Google Currents.
Jawbone Makes good on UP.
Pantone color of the Year.
Top 10 Android Apps for .10 cents each!
Apple TV International Update.
MHL a HDMI Alternative.
Limited HP Touchpads Available Sunday.
2003 Steve Jobs Interview.
Copyright Settlements Auctioned Off.
Apple Campus Renderings.
Sony NEX-7.
Girl Genius.
Turbine on Fire.
NASA Asteroid Count.
Chromebook Challenge.
Facebook Brain Scan Study.
Windows 8 Kill Switch.
AT&T Throttling.
Logic Pro 9.
More Mars Water News.
Draft OPEN Legislation for Review.
Travel Power Strips.
CFA to be Interviewed.
Sonos Update.

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer

GNC-2012-12-05 #726 In Austin!

Listener Links:
Online soap opera cleans up with stimulus broadband cash?

Show Links:
Xbox Update Today.
Windows Phone 7 Delayed in China.
International CarrierIQ Conspiracy.
$100.00 Android Tablet.
Verizon LTE Expanding.
Gowalla goes to Facebok.
Cox TV – TV App.
Cyber Week Spending.
Xbox Voice Gestures.
Angry Birds Gifts.
Sleep Detection.
Toys for Kids?
Voyager Update.
Siri Hack Chinese Honeypot.
Clearwire LTE Roll-Out.
US Cellular wants LTE iPhone.
Kindle Fire big App Sales.
Firefox in Financial Danger?
Google Kingdom.
Rim gets Wacked Again.
Google Calculator get major Upgrade.
.xxx opens tomorrow.
Samsung vs Apple court doc revelations.
Teen Sexting.
Earth 2.
Swiss Gov’t on File Sharing.
Apple looses round with Court.
Amazon on States Sales Tax.
China and Solar Panel.
T-Mobile and Carrier IQ!
Sen Frankin goes after Carriers.
Patricia Dunn RIP.
Google – Mozilla in talks.
TV Broke.
RIAA + Righthaven = More Idiocy.
USPS is a wreck.

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer

GNC #725 Foot in Mouth

Listener Links
Get FREE GoDaddy Private Registration ($9.99/yr value) when you register or transfer one or more domains
SmartPhone Spying.
NCTA asks to Encrypt Basic Cable.
Computerized Contact Lens.

Show Links:
Yahoo top 10 Searches?
CES 2012 Interview Application.
Carrier IQ #1
Carrier IQ #2
Carrier IQ #3
Carrier IQ #4
Carrier IQ #5
Carrier IQ #6
Carrier IQ #7
Apple TV Update.
YouTube Re-Launch!
ISP’s Want more of your Money!
No Hack at All.
Sprint handing over 1.6 Billion!
AT&T has a Fit!
Printing Bone Repairs.
Spotify with Apps?
Mall Maps by Google.
Gmail Calendar Hack.
iPhone rail Slider.
Magic Cables.
Cadillac Baby Stroller.
Xbox + Verizon TV = Fail.
France going after Streamers.
uTorrent Plus!
TWC + Android = Glorified Remote.
Fossum on Space.
Curiosity to Mars!
Germs to Mars?
Sony TV Update.
12,000 Computer Lan Party.
Make a Call in Google Hangouts.
Jawbone Up Fail?
TV Ownership Down!
Bank Hacking on Rise.
Google Changes Search results.

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer

GNC #724 Back from Okinawa

Show Links:
MyPodcast.com Lights Out.
Wikipedia Donations.
Japan Observations.
iPhone 4 on Fire in Flight.
Idiot Minute.
Apple Free Shipping.
T-Mobile not so Fast?
Facebook 100 Billion Baby.
Andreessen to Yahoo?
EU Questions Facebook.
Google I/O Code for your Ticket.
Apple Founding Contract to be Auctioned.
Cruise Ship Coding Factory?
Fake id’s @ $200.00
AT&T pulls plug on T-Mobile Deal?
AT&T Threatens FCC?
Seagate Drives Not affected by Flooding.
AT&T – T-Mobile FAQ.
Rovi Marketing to Set Top Boxes.
Wireless Spectrum Crunch.
Feds take-down 150 Sites Cyber Monday.
YouTube Editor.
Cord Cutter Holiday Guide.
Smoke Detector Messages you!

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer

GNC #723 Headed Out

Show Links:
Recommend this Show!
Facebook Sharing!
Firings at Mashable.
Android at 200 Million.
Blackberry 7 Putter Putter?
GoDaddy Leads IPV6 Adoption.
Buy that App in Yuan.
Revision3 Finally goes to HTML5.
Samsung Galaxy Revised for Germany.
Dlink Product Reviews.
Google Music on Android Devices.
Vivitar Camera reviews.
NASA Astrovan.
Clearwire to Default?
Hard Drive Pricing.
40k Apps on Windows Phone.
Hawking Says we need to Colonize Space.
Kindle Fire Selling Briskly.
Change your Password.
Spy Catalog.
Cyber Attack on Water Pump.
Apple pissy about App Store Name.

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer

GNC #722 CES 2012 Support Needed

Show Links:
FlipBoard Update!
Travelers Beware.
AP gets snippy on Tweets.
Google Music on Google TV.
Lie about Age go to Jail.
EU smacks down US Domain Seizures.
In Line for Black Friday?
Lunar Rover Manual.
The Nook Tablet @ $249.00
Mac Enterprise Play.
SOPA Small Resistance Building.
SOPA Update.
Tumblr SOPA Campaign.
TechCrunch CEO Out.
AOL in Trouble.
Andorid.com gets Update.
Google+ LA Times Spin.
Google+ Experian Spin.
New Darkent DNS to fight SOPA?
CRTC has new Ruling.
Chinese Desert Mystery Solved.
Moon Cave.
Play Station 3 @ 5Yrs.
Paypal and Facebook.
Ford Escape.
Ford Flex.
Ford Mustang Update.
Roku to Canada and UK 🙂
Boxee TV Tuner.
Streaming on Sharp Increase.
Internet TV Disruptive?
Gmail App back in Apple App Store.
Soyuz Docs at ISS.
Nasa Moon Map.

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer

GNC #721 CES Ramp Up!

Listener Links:
Couple must Give Facebook Password to each Other!
Kindle Fire Review.
Holiday Photo Tips.
NASA Time Lapse Earth!
Intel Announces 4004 Processor 40yrs ago!

Show Links:
The Chrome Show is Back!
Logitech + Google TV = 100 Million Flushed.
Bill Gates Pushes Back.
Kindle Fire.
iTunes Match 25k Limit?
NFC Enabled Prada Bag?
Linux Media Center.
Video Streaming Future?
Media + Twitter = Idiots
Secure Malware?
Voyager Gets Power Update!
YouTube gets Science Update.
China Ghost Cities (Weird).
Windows 8 Update Feature.
Google, Apple, Facebook Hip?
Sprint Up’s Data Limits?
Crew off to ISS.
What is China Doing in Desert.
Did Fracking cause Earthquake?
SOPA may limit Free Speech.
Patent Bar Lowered in UK.
Stop Word Censorship on TV?
Devs start move to Windows Phone 7.
FBI goes after Grade Hackers.
Carbonite Grows Features.
Intel Sandy Bridge Chips Update.
New Grill for Christmas?

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer

GNC #720 No Aliens?

Listener Links:
Receipt Re-Design.
Wallops Island – NASA Video
The Verge.
No Aliens.

Show Links:
What was the Air Force Thinking?
IOS 5.0.1 Air Update.
Estonian Botnet.
Facebook Privacy to Change to Opt In.
Sony Playstation SDK.
EBS Warns No One.
Viacom Losing Argument.
Warner Brothers To Good to Check.
Comcast IPV6.
Samsung Galaxy Tab Review.
Chinese Launch Telecomm in US?
Net Neutrality Saved!
Japanese / English App.
Boxee TV Tuner.
Amazon App Store Update 2.0
Belgian ISP Extortion.
Spotify coming to Roku.
Adobe Flash RIP?
Native Google Hangout for Chrome.
Bullet Proof Clipboard.
Nook vs Kindle Fire.
Rover ready to Launch.
Russian Mars Probe in Trouble.
Boeing 787.
HTC to Sync to iTunes.
Infrared Sensor on iPhone 4s.
Healthcare Startup Time?
Zynga gets slapped hard.
Google supports Startup-Weekend.
Big Bang Gas Cloud.
Google + Student + Camera = Prize.

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer

GNC #719 On the Road!

Listener Links:
FoxCon to build Robot Factory.

Show Links:
My FordTouch.
EA Need for Speed.
60 Seconds in Life of a Mobile User.
Tokyo Copy / Paste.
Ford Focus ST.
Ford Fiesta ST.
Google+ Brand Pages.
HDD Prices Skyrocket.
Time Warner Outage.
Best Buy Home Energy Section.
Siri to all iOS Devices.
Zuckerberg mentored by Jobs.
Xbox 360 gains TV traction 25 and under.
Google Direct Connect.
Adobe sells Elements on Mac App Store!
RIAA wants DMCA Changed.
Asteroid inbound and Close Pass.
Big iPhone Security Bug.
US Chamber of Commerce Sinking Ships.
Justice Department Reverse Lying Request.
Next Rover ready for Launch.
Nook Tablet Feature.
Giant Windows Phone 7 in NYC.
Microsoft Scores Samsung VP.
Siri for all my Friends.
War in Cyberspace.
Vivid and Google TV?
Google playing with Search.
Reader and FeedDemon Fall out.

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer

GNC #717 Mixing it Up!

Listener Links:
HP keeps PC Division.
Siri cannot understand the Scots.
Human iRobot.
Rogue Website Bill.

Show Links:
A Voice Future.
Google+ on a Roll.
IT hates Mac’s.
Facebook (Artificial Intelligence).
Siri may get you Busted.
HP Keeps it PC Business.
Protect-IP 2
Libraries new Target.
Visa / Mastercard under Scrutiny.
Video and P2P Dominate Internet.
Time Warner.
Google+ on Rise.
iPhone Accessory Prototype.
NYT Labs!
Cancer Warning Struck Down.
SmugVault Pricing Declines.
Broadband Subsidies.
Groupon Bad Bet?
Samsung Beats Apple.
Sprint Deal with Clearwire.
Nintendo First Loss in 30 Years.
Redbox raises Rates.
Righthaven has to Pay Now!
Hardware Store fights Music Industry.
ARM in Enterprise Servers?
AMD in Green.
Boxee updates iPad App.
New Mars Rover.
Jam with your iPad.
Ford teams up with GoGo.
Facebook trustees.
ALAC Codec Open Sourced.
Rosat Crashes.
Wanna talk to Dave?

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer