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Show Links to all Kinds of Great Tech & Science News

GNC #769 Family Loss

Show Notes:
SpaceX Manifest.
Dragon has Room.
Dragon Images.
NASA No Trespassing Signs on Moon.
Facebook Phone?
Apple ID management.
Instacast De-Listed.
Words that will get you Tracked.
NBC Schedule for Event in London!
Windows Live RIP.
The cost of Windows XP.
Launch Education and Kids.
By Japan Pre-Paid Sims.
Flame is gonna be Big!
Xfinity for Android.
Pandora Dominance.
YouTube Empire?
Hacker Memoir.
Copyright Holders Punish Themselves.
UK Cookie Law.
Show Cash get Robbed.
HDD Pricing not Dropping.
Apple TV Pre-Production.
iOS Photo Tips.

GNC #768 Bandwidth Challenges

Show Notes:
Google Kills 1.2 Million Links.
Jay Leno in Hot Seat.
SpaceX Flyby.
Inside the Dragon.
Watch SpaceX Make History.
Olympics Very Sensitive.
Roku and Dish offer Foreign Media.
Siri Storage Habits.
Yahoo Axis.
Dish now in Legal Battle with Auto Hop.
Rover says Cheese.
Broadband in Crisis.
IPV4 Sales.
Apple Hype Machine on the Move.
Apple Rumors create feeding frenzy.
Google Versus Oracle.
Blue Tiki.
Tim Cook and Apple.
Doc Searls and Facebook.
PayPal at a Store Near You.
Hacking Leads to fed Charge/Arrest.
DEA Illegal Tracking.
Hanging out at AOL?
Solar Impulse Airborne.
Facebook Camera.
Clip On iPhone Lens.
Cord Hider Kickstarter.
3/1 Barbecue Tool.

GNC #767 HD Mobile Studio Debut

Show Links:
Facebook Stock Tanks.
Zuckerberg gets married.
NASDAQ screws up FB IPO.
Google Chrome #1
CEO Compensation.
Gas on the way Up!
Kicked off Social Media.
Mobile Phones Customers Decline.
Thunderbolt Cables.
Getting to the Cloud.
Kinect and Facial Expressions.
SpaceX Tuesday Launch.
YouTube Update.
Impossible Judge Order.
Windows 8 and More Monitors.
Supreme Court Denies Tenenabaum.
TiVo Streamer.
2012 Solar Eclipse.
Rutgers Student only gets 30 days.
Cable Companies Team up on WiFi.
New MacBook Pro’s Coming.
Updated Gmail Searches.
Elgato Game Capture.
MPAA not a Crime.

GNC #766 BSD Blues

Geek News Central Podcast

Show Notes:
FB Raw Numbers.
Saverin FB Target #1
Saverin FB Target #2
Comcast raises your caps and keeps on throttling.
Netflix Punches Comcast.
Level3 Punches Comcast.
42 Billion API Calls to Netflix.
Pay Per Bandwidth Model!
Keep on filming the Police.
Mac Pro FB page.
Hawaii + iPad = Top Activation’s.
15 dying Technologies.
This SSD “will” self destruct!
Iran mad at Google.
HBO and Viacom kiss and Make up.
Turner buys up some New Media.
Bartenders Heads Up.
Lightning Ray Gun!
Use P2P your Depressed.
One cable fits all.
W. Virgina buying 22k Routers?
iTunes + Jailbreak = Censor.
Tanks to get 55mpg?
Jury Tech Talk.
Woz has a new Job.
Vermont bans Fracking.
You can’t fool them all the time.
UK Police scanning your Phone.
Go SpaceX Go!
Big Galaxy.
Medical Frequency set aside.
HBO Go Grows.
Direct Tv to offer Broadband.
MAV in Tight Spaces.
Bing Update Review.
Text for Truth.
Verizon – Redbox Update.
iOS 5.1.1 Battery Fix.
HP to can 35k!

GNC #765 Show Notes

Show Notes:
Colleges headed for Extinction?
BitTorrent DOS Attacker.
YouTube in Decline on Purpose.
T-Mobile & Sprint join Forces.
Facebook IPO range.
BestBuy Shakeup.
Yahoo Axes CEO.
Apple Update.
No SAT brain Scan Instead.
Facebook Pay to Play.
Counting Crows rocks P2P.
LightSquared Files Chapter 11.
Twitter Email.
Wireless Emergency Alert.
Windows 8 Parental Control.
Amazon AWS Bill Tracking.
350 Pages to Explain Fair Use?
Woz says Apple to Open Up.
121 Megapixel Image of Earth.
Kickstarter Hacked.
No Apple iTV here.
Apple TV Rumor mill earns someone Millions.
Bitcoin Exchange robbed again.
Ivy Bridge + Mountain Lion = June Baby!
Facebook Shares all Public Info.
Yepp it was Hot!
Hack Proof your Android.
iPad Etch a Sketch.
Factory Reset.
Solar System Missing Boundry!
SpaceX Launch Saturday.
Soyuz Ready to Launch.
Lucky Shot.
Shuttle 747 Unloading.
That was Close.
Windows Phone gets Linked In.
Zune Hardware was Mistake?
Bionic Eye.
Geek Wall Paper.
Desktop Cannon.
Facebook App Update.
Solyndra Penny on Dollar Sale.
iCloud Outage.
MacBook Pro Update Options.

GNC #764 Team Ohana

Wall Street Fat Cat Complaining.
New DVR Kills Ads.
Pirate Bay Proxies Outlawed.
Ze Frank New Network.
Airtime Launching 6-5
Verizon LTE Expansion.
SpaceX May 19th Launch.
Enviasat Lost.
Google+ App Nice.
Oracle Taking Beating from Judge.
Senator out of touch.
Heathkit RIP.
Chkdsk Revised.
FBI/DHS try to scare you.
BMD Intensity.
Twitter Hack.
USPS Shipping Ban.
WWII Plan Found.
New Mayan Calendar Found?
Man In Underwear.
Fools and their Money.
Spicy Pepper for Weight Loss.
Amazon Tech Blog.
Facebook IPO.
Pebble Smartwatch.
Autodesk 123D.
xBox Video Player King of Hill.
Bing Update.
Adobe Lightroom 4 on App Store.
*** Internet Marketing Scam ***
Heart Attack Waiting to Happen.
IRS vs Grave Robbers.
Yahoo CEO – I’m Innocent.
Stuck on IE6?
Apple pays on Upgrades to Factory.
No Password for you!
Winning a Space Trip.
Share a Password.

GNC #763 Show Notes are Back

Show Notes
Cerevo Liveshell
HD Mobile Broadcast Studio
Wiretap Ready?
Oracle vs Google
Sen Franken wants Blood
Amtrack modernizing conductors.
Mastercard going Mobile.
Facebook News Feeds.
Speed of Light Broken.
No Fly get day in Court.
DHS and Body Scanner Issues.
AT&T Competition drives up Prices?
Alzheimer Cure?
LED Bulbs.
DHS Wants hackers tracked not locked out.
Hubble Venus Transit.
Holding Transcripts Hostage.
Adobe CS6
iOS 5.1.1 Update
Some macs to loose security Updates.
Mac malware Even.
$99.00 xbox.
Doc Tracker.
Kim Dotcom can’t rap.
OSX passwords in Plain Site.
PHP Attack Vector.
Google Car gets License in Nevada.
BitTorrent Rebranding?
Uncle Sam gonna reach out and Extradite you.
Unblock Pirate Bay.
Pirate Bay Security.
Plant monitor
1.5M cord cutters.
LG goes Google TV.
Twit Pic App.
Track your time on websites.
60 Hours in 60 Seconds.
North Korea Videos.
Google+ Hangouts to allow Live.

Geek News Central Show Notes

This site was created in response to Google negatively impacting GNC due to the listing and linking to all articles that I cover in the podcast at Geek News Central. Over the coming months I will move overĀ  show links from the main site to this one. Google indexing system has no way of knowing the reasons for listing the links. So sadly they have to be contained here as not to further impact the traffic at Geek News Central.

GNC #760 Action Packed

Listener Links:
Proview versus Apple.
MIT and Tetris.

Show Notes:
Gmail 10gb
No Privacy in Movies!
iPad Domination.
Flickr Uploadr
Opera 12
Experts only in North Carolina.
Tripit Update.
Dragon Launch.
SEC Investigates Bribes by Stdios.
Cover up those Paintings.
Mophie Powerstation Pro.
Google Drive Concerns.
Klout Over Rated?
Mac Office 2011 SP2 Re-released.
Digital Economy Act Delayed.
Facebook giving away Software.
Mac Security 10 years Lagging?
Sprint Unlimited.
WWDC Sells out West Coast Pissed.
Twitter App Update.
Apple Secrecy goes Extreme.
Airbnb Match.
iPhone, iPad, Android Live TV.
10 Tech Services to Avoid.
Acer Financial Lacking.
Zynga Financials.
Kindle Fire – Android Marketplace.

GNC #759 Live in Jacksonville Fl.

Show Notes:
Iran Hacked Again.
CS6 Cloud Services.
Senate to talk to ISP’s about Caps.
Netflix calls out Comcast.
Firefox Auto Update.
Firefox Autoupdate.
ISS Service Call.
Enviasat we have a issue.
Future of Video Ads.
SkyDrive by Microsoft.
Dumb thing to do when your Fired.
The Microsoft – Facebook patent shell game.
Netflix Earnings.
787 Starts US Service.
Facebook Finance Statements.
Browser Wars.
Viddy Review.
Unlock any Phone.
Floppy Drive Music.
Army PTSD ruling.
Mini Power Dongles.