Special message to the visitors

In this area you can put any information you would like, such as: special offers, corporate motos, greeting message to the visitors or the business phone number.

This theme comes with detailed instructions on how to customize this area. You can also remove it completely.

Show Links to all Kinds of Great Tech & Science News

GNC #859 YouTube.com/geeknews

Show Notes:
1.5 Billion Old Water!
Cosmic Neutrino.
Chris Hadfield Video.
Into Darkness.
Google I/O 2013.
Glass Root.
Location Data.
Glass Privacy.
Google Maps.
Google Music.
YouTube Live.
AT&T Idiots.
Roku Updated.
Made in USA Mac.
Archos Xenon 80.
EA – Wii = To Bad.
Prenda and a Favorable Judge.
Whoops Video Erased.
Florida Yellow Lights.
Kepler RIP.
Google – Microsoft – YouTube.
Don’t call me a Idiot.
Google App Engine.
Newegg wins Large against Patent Troll.
NZ Supreme Court.
No Class Action on YouTube.
Mac Malware.
Rover Distances.
Apple Tax Hearings.
Google TV Update.
50 Billion Apps.
Ocean View.
Six Strikes No Business.
Isohunt to Supreme Court.
Space is Crazy.
New GPS Launch.
Witness Protection Pure Insanity.
NZ to Spy on Everything.
Lulzsec in Jail.
CW and Apple TV.

GNC #858 Staycation

Show Notes:
MPAA Freaks.
Facebook Home HTC Flop.
Saudi wants a Hacker.
Aaron Swartz Evidence.
You cannot take my Phone.
Monsanto Evil.
Prenda stoops to new Lows.
Bill Gates on Jobs.
Campaign Donations & Bill.
Malware and Java.
Gov’t and AP Phone Records.
Windows 8 and PC Market.
Google changes up Storage.
Firefox 21 – 5 New
Bitcoin Mining.
11 Google Glass Updates.
Amazon Cloud Player.
Samsung 5g?
UK Drone.
ISS Spacewalk.
ISS Change of Command.
Flying Car Crashes.
Pirates Spend Money.
Aereo new model.
ISS Tours.
New Wind Turbine.
ABC Live Stream.
Watch Wikipedia Updates.
50 Pages of Blacked out FOIA.
T-Mobile raises prices on iPhone.
Watch Google I/O 2013.
WTC Spire Install.
Vaccine eats Cocaine.
Faster Wifi at 25k.
Drones and Beer.
NMS #5.
Netflix PS3 Update.
Medref for Glass.
Sony Bluetooth Headset.
Nasa Live.

GNC #857 Clone Me

Show Notes:
Twitter Attack.
45 Million ATM Ring.
.75% Student Loan rate.
End Cable Bundling.
3d Gun Printing Crack Down.
ISS has a leak.
Adobe Users Angry!
YouTube Pay to Play.
Righthaven DOA.
No Passwords.
App Privacy Bill.
iPad Magnets Health Alert.
PBS comes to Roku.
Storm Tracking.
CNN Idiots.
Twitter Verified.
DMCA Reform.
Politico Pay Wall.
Barclays Bank.
Buy Air Force One – Two?
Making Solar Pay.
Umano News Reader.
FBI does not follow Law.
FBI Fake Cell Towers.
Obama Open Data.
Syria Offline.
FCC and Airborne Broadband.

GNC #856 Adobe has Lost my Business

Show Notes:
Adobe Kills Company.
Aereo Goes for broke.
Verizon no copper for you.
2722 feet up!
DOJ Nabs a Hacker.
Lady Coders.
Angry Birds Tournament.
Sims4 Standalone.
3D coming to Staples.
USB LTE Modem.
Dish Anywhere.
Solar Plane.
Angry Patent Lawyer.
New Zealand wants to Spy!
Lets sue Guy three times for same thing!
Judge Wright hammers Prenda.
Bill Gates out of Touch?
App Updates.
Clearwire needs a suitor.
Google Now.
3D Guns.
Netflix lowers Piracy.
US Versus Megaupload.
Proxy to Pirate Bay at 8%
uTorrent rejects VPN Ads.
Bust only causes Piracy to go UP.
Stay Anonymous.
Google Internet Police (Yepp)
YouTube Pay channels.
IE Zero Day Bug.
Fitbit Flex.
Quantum Internet.
Clip Bag.

GNc #855 Small Vent

Show Notes:
Apple 1
Trusted Friends.
2nd Anti-Patent Bill.
Chinese Spy Whoops.
BitCoin Lawsuit.
Texting on Wane.
Wearing Google Glass.
Dark Mater.
Google Fiber.
Hangout Tech Support.
Apple and Taxes.
Coda Chapter 11.
Apple 10k Giveaway.
Time Warner Copycat.
Tim Wheeler.
Gmail Tweek.
New Phone Video.
Microsoft and Android.
EFF who has your Back.
Angry Birds for Windows Phone.
Remote Presence.
Liking could be a Scam.
YouTube Capture.
Netflix Screwed.
Don’t ride this Bus Line.
TV Syndication.
CBS Cry Babies.
Drone Shield.
ASUS Google TV.
Russian Extortion.
RFID in your Cash?
Apple OS X Delay?
Blockbuster iOS.

GNC #854 On Track

Show Notes:
DOJ Back Door.
Space Coffee.
iOS7 & Flat.
Curved OLED TV.
Volvo Flywheel.
OSX 10.9
Internet Tax.
MLB on YouTube.
Foursquare Data.
Dailymotion Deal.
Google Now for iOS.
Cant Park.
Spaceship II under Power.
Cool Windows Phone commercial.
Patent Trolls.
25 Years Locked up.
Face Recognition at Statue of Liberty.
Rasberry Pi and Remote Car.
Opportunity goes Standby.
Progress Docks.
Ghost Blogging Platform.
Google Glass Hacking A OK.
Chat versus SMS.
DOE E Track Record.
Japanese and their Pen and Pencils.
New Media Show.
Pirates get Powned.
Saturn Hurricane.
Android Sales.
Facebook Decline.
Paypal in Retail.
787 Airborne.

GNC #854 100% Engaged

Show Notes:
Get a Warrant,
No Spying.
Spying companies get Amnesty.
Lost Fiber.
Fifth Amendment HD battle.
Iceland Court ruling on Wikileaks.
Prenda Collusion?
Sold in 2 Minutes.
TWC Desperate in Austin.
T-Mobile Slammed.
Google Drive Collaboration.
Word on Chrome.
Amazon Earnings.
US Marines and Copyright.
CBS gunning for Aereo in Boston.
Appeal win in Fair use.
Canada Muzzles Citizens.
Wifi in Magazines.
SSD data Recovery.
Einstein Validated Again.
Internet Sales Tax #1
Internet Sales Tax #2.
210k to see Tim Cook?
AP gets Hacked.
1 Year Purgatory Over.
New Doppler Radar.
Buying Followers.
Bird Flu.
CISPA Dead in Senate.
New York Time Glass App.
AWS – 750 Million?
Blip.tv and your Account.
Swat Bot.
Old = Boring = ?
Flying Insect Photography.
Instapaper Purchased.
Mobile Streaming and Podcasting.
Amazon Set Top Box.
Swype is Out.
Chevy Spark EV.

Show Notes:
Reddit Apologizes.
No Knives on Planes.
Antares test Launch.
Antares Part II.
Online Sales Tax Passes.
Netflix 4x Stream for $11.99.
Solar Jobs.
Solar Shopping.
Prenda Beat Down.
Fox Bogus Homeland Takedowns.
Verizon Security Report.
Money on YouTube Scarce.
Japanese TOR users beware.
Apple Predictions.
EA Updates SimCity.
Apply for Mars.
iTunes download Later!
Facebook Dev RIP?
GrooveShark CEO Broke.
CBS Stake in Syncbak.
Old iPhones Hot.
Gmail Keyboard Cheat.
Sun Time Lapse.
Passive House.
Panavise Portagrip>
MXL BCD-1 Review.
StreamVu Review.
3D Printing Conference.
Ultraviolet for your Dishwasher.
Eat your Spoon.
Netgear 802.11ac Update.

GNC #851 Ingress

Show Links:
FBI Releases Photos.
Aereo Free Content.
Broadcaster go back to court.
CISPA Passes in House.
Warrant-less Database Searches.
Pirate Bay Proxy Blocked Illegally?
BitTorrent and VPN.
Tiny Tiny RSS.
Habitable Planets.
YouTube + DMCA = Pissed Viacomm.
Broadband Via White Spaces.
Sprint and More LTE.
Microsoft 6.06 Billion in Profit.
Google 3.35 Billion in Profit.
Google+ and Blogger.
Girl Scout Gamers.
Twitter Music.
Ladies Me-Alighty.
French Fry Holder.
Google 1.2 billion on Infrastructure.
NBC on Google TV?
Bill Shock Prevention.
Internet Sales Tax.
Dish claims Security risk?
Google gets 39 Million fiber for $1.00.
Data Journalist.
787 Back in the Air?
Prenda to Pay?
Google Glass Terms.
Bitcoin Exchange Closing.
Java Patches 42 Issues.
Cop Thinks Phone is a Gun.

GNC #850 Bigger Wallet

Show Notes:
Boston Person Finder.
Disconnect 2
TGP #101
Broadcaster Foundation Cracking.
Encrypted Basic Cable.
Dish bids for Sprint.
Xbox as a Passthrough.
Google Glass tech Specs.
YouTube Multi-Admin.
TWC App Update.
Asus Cube.
Anonymous and North Korea.
Your Fired.
Facebook Home.
Unified Remote.
How Rich Are You.
BitTorrent in the Browser.
Zoom H6
Bitcoin Mining.
Lab Grown Kidney.
Apple TV Bug.
YouTube iOS Live Streaming.
Medal Change.
Japanese Offer 2gbps $51.00
Beer Accessory.
Seiki 4k $1500.00 TV.