In this area you can put any information you would like, such as: special offers, corporate motos, greeting message to the visitors or the business phone number.
This theme comes with detailed instructions on how to customize this area. You can also remove it completely.
Show Notes:
Apple Live.
iPhone 5S Parody.
Google+ Embeded Posts.
Surface Round 2?
XBox One Interface.
Windows Phone 8.1.
GTA 5 cost 265 Million to make.
New Playstation Vita / TV.
Playstation Vita.
Google Logo Update Leaks?
Grasshopper Flys.
Comet Hunter Lost?
Mars Volunteers over 200K.
NASA fixes Ladee.
Nexus 7 with LTE Available.
Udacity News.
AMAZING 3d Model Software.
Burning Man off the Hook.
Google Glass Update.
USB 3.0 Connector.
Verizon wants to Block sites you Visit.
Break Rules become a Judge.
John Hopkins Take down.
John Gilmore on Key Standards.
Google Building Serious Encryption.
Seagate HD failure Insurance!
Seagate 5TB Drive this year.
Foursquare Dish Finder.
Apple and older Mac’s.
YouTube Confession of Murder.
NBA Tracking Players on Court.
Tokyo wins 2020 Summer Games heads explode at NBC.
Human to Human Mind Control.
Jail for this?
Paperback book of Steve Jobs.
Show Notes:
Chrome the Trojan Horse.
Elon Musk Video!
Samsung Smartwatch.
GoDaddy Changes Focus.
UBER to prevent DUI’s?
Nokia and Microsoft.
iPhone Repair.
Film On X looses in court.
Curb Kicks.
Google Gmail Class Action.
Audi Tech.
H.265 Decoder.
Marketers Accurate or Not?
Need a Job? Have a clearance?
Brazil President Pissed.
Oyster all you can eat.
First Xbox One Ad.
Bing Update.
Yahoo Update.
Artificial Muscle.
No Upgrade for you!
Kindle Matchbook.
RIP Paperback?
6 Inch iPhone?
Our Pee?
RSS is Alive.
Follow the Bitcoins.
TRENDNet 20 year probation.
Banking Trojan.
Internet Anonymous.
Space Winds Change.
Space Photos.
NASA Pool Experience.
Show Notes:
How much damage now?
Snowden Spoofer.
Snowden Brilliant Traitor!
Tech Companies Versus NSA?
Rover gets Drivers License.
McAfee Again.
3hr Prenda Hearing.
Nexus 7 LTE Mid Sept.
Gravity Trailer.
Martian Descendants?
Delta 4 launch.
TOR Doubles.
Google Fiber Expands.
Mechanical Turk..
Stupid Bank Robbers.
600mbps Space Internet.
USPTO IPE Comments
Amazon in UK and Germany Changes.
Woman Flips Out.
***Texting someone driving = Your Liable!***
Facebook and your Data.
Amazon Warehouse King.
New Nexus & Update.
Foursquare Annoying Update.
How to make a Tech Commercial.
Xbox One kicks the Audio.
Mars Solar Eclipse Captured.
Parallels 9.
Digg App.
Price cuts hold!
Microsoft to take stake in Foursquare?
Microsoft Battles Malware on Windows Phone.
Did some touch my Computer?
Show Notes:
Uber going Driverless!
Chromecast Issues.
Feedly has Pro Option Now.
Moto X online August 29th.
EFF & Lessig battle Music Company.
Malware on Mobile Stats.
Oldest Sun.
Windows 8.1 Images.
DOJ outs Google in Document.
Space Photo of the Day.
Spitzer Space Images.
UK Official out of his Mind.
Steve Jobs Email on Amazon.
Financial Companies to Avoid.
Top 10 Internet Cities.
Facebook Shared Albums.
Bitcoin Regulations Coming?
Siri Turned Rouge?
Ballmers Out.
Top 8 to Replace Ballmer.
Rabbit Ears for Time Warner Customers.
Woz Smacks Microsoft.
Amazon Outage.
Omate Smart Watch.
.cn DDOS
No Internet?
170 Years of Hurricanes.
Nice Bike Accessories.
Affleck Batman Outrage.
LG G Pad.
Mophie for Galaxy S4.
Green Shower head that goes Red.
Lavabit Alternative.
Three Chrome Features.
Show Links:
Comcast Threatens.
MPAA Wants More.
Boyfriend Tracker?
Gmail Metadata.
Saudi and Social Sites.
Privacy and Teenagers.
Presidents Outside Experts.
Maker $1500.00 3D Scanner.
Tesla 5.4?
Facebook App Update.
Delta + Windows Phone = ?
Facebook Page Maker Update.
CBS Frustrated.
Find My iPhone Goof.
Glass + Drone = Don’t Sneeze.
Kapture Kickstarter.
New Class of Government Employee.
No Dust on these Cars.
Logitech K400.
Ubuntu Edge Kickstarter comes in short.
DirectTV App Updated.
ChromeOS 29.
NASA Activates WISE.
Lodsys Backs Down.
PM Demands HD Destroyed.
Fukishima in Trouble?
Avoid Hotel Quebec!!!!!!
Orb Networks Pulls the Plug.
Pandora Lifting Free Cap.
New Brain Scanner reads thoughts.
Body Hacking Storage.
Orbit Downloader users read.
Time Machine Backups.
No More Anonymous.
Cord Cutters will you pay if the come?
NASDAQ has a bad day.
Nexus 7 Update.
Show Notes:
NMS #17
International Shakedown.
Smashing Hard-Drives.
In the Bag Journalist?
VPN & TOR bans?
Six Strike Oversight.
Two Phones.
Gold Phone.
Phone Switchers.
Overstock Declares War.
Pay Per Gaze.
LG Retina Screen?
EV Popularity.
Google Glass in 2014.
Facebook Hack.
Inside Patent Trolls.
Tweet and Go to Jail.
Solar Powered Drones.
Dont Spoof your IP.
Xbox One Update.
iOS App Security?
Woz Smacks Down Movie.
GoDaddy buys Locu.
Skype in Outlook.
Crowdfunding Twist.
NFC + Eink = Cool.
Google Glass for Police and Fire.
Try to beat this.
Parkinson’s Treatment.
20% Don’t use Internet. Outage.
Germany Recognizes BitCoin.
New YouTube App for Droid.
F35 Vert Landing.
Would you buy this?
Feedly and OPML is coming.
Show Links:
Prenda Ran Honeypots.
Prenda Pretends?
US Gov’t 690k Facebook Like Buy.
Microsoft responds to YouTube.
Gmail Privacy.
5th Amendment.
Twitter rooting out fake content.
Bitcoin Robbery.
C-Max Hybrid Owners Heads Up.
Spoiled Millennials.
Product DNA.
Insulin Inhaler.
Tweet for drugs get Fired.
Windows 8.1 Release Date Announced.
Skype to ship with Windows 8.1
Baltimore wants Fiber.
Roku versus Apple TV.
Google OpenDNS Outage.
Editorial for iOS.
Plastic Box Prank.
Watch Star Explode.
Quantify Consciousness.
Mobile Fanboys.
Quantum Teleportation.
Coat Hanger ISS Tracking.
CBS Blackout Aereo Winning.
Macbook Air Batter Efficiency.
Google Glass Inventory.
Facebook Payments.
Any Surface.
Adaptv Fraud?
Salesfource Outage.
Creepy Google Search/
Google Encrypts the Cloud.
Kepler Lost.
Earth II.
New Carbon.
Chromecast Image.
Show Links:
LavaBit Folds.
Silent Circle Folds.
RC Tank Jams Wireless.
BitCoin Legal Tender?
WiFi Stalker Boxes.
Facebook Video Ads.
Windows 7 God Mode.
Moto X Your Way.
Google Releases Patents.
Xbox One User Prepare to Pay.
Lodsys Settles?
Trimming the Fat.
Back to Roots.
Google Play Books Updated.
Space Fence to come down?
Gogo Going Good.
Roku Update.
Apple Board says Kick it in Gear.
Apple TV to get Vevo.
CBS Versus Time Warner Round 4.
Best Buy Deals LTO.
KeyMe App.
Defcon Documentary.
Print Plunges.
Rdio Adds Channel.
Facebook Feeds.
Priority Calls.
New Nexus 7 to UK.
ACER Fewer Windows Machines.
Japan Cargo to ISS.
Russia back in Heavy Lift Business.
Aereo Expanding.
New Thor Trailer.
Cord Cutting.
Domestic Spying?
Game of Thrones Pirating.
Talking on Phone and Driving.
Camels Transmitting Virus to Humans.
MS New Surface.
Honda Fit 86 Miles.
Show Notes:
YouTube Live Out of Business.
Personal Amazon and Washington Post.
Comcast Warns Pirates.
Anti-Theft Backpack.
Confused Xerox Machines.
Pirates Get out of Lawsuit.
AT&T and Bootloaders.
Feedly how can I pay you?
Cox and Personalized TV.
Fukushima Update.
1400 Asteroids.
Tape Fanatic.
Zens QI Wireless.
Blizzard on Pandora.
RAVPower Review.
Catch RIP.
Square Update.
ITC Veto.
SOPA Again?
Prenda in the News Again!
LinkedIn Jobs.
Time Warner and CBS Battle it out.
Hotel WiFi and Chromecast.
Redbox Instant and Roku.
Apple Trade In Program.
Samsung and Tizen?
H&M Opens Digital Store.
VC Bad Bet?
Big Wheel for Adult.
Show Notes:
Snowden gets Asylum.
Snowden Offered a Job.
SpaceX Scores Canadian Contract.
Glass banned at Google.
BitTorrent Has a close call.
EZTV Fights Back.
No Money for Party.
Verizon gets Stupid.
Google Fiber Sports Package.
Android Leader of the Pack.
Nexus 7 Review.
Chromecast Review.
FBI Mobile Tactics.
Google Search Gets Police Visit.
Salt Meter.
Chromecast Apps Rolling Out.
Cord Cutter Stats.
Curiosity 1 Year on Mars Video.
Time Warner Numbers Down.
Root New Nexus 7.
NYC YouTube Studio.
USB 3.1 10GBPS
Ban on IAT.
US Workers more Productive?
ITC Delays Samsung Ban.
No Glass in UK vehicles.
737 in Bedroom.
iPhone Hacked by Charger.
Office 365 to Android.
What where they Thinking?
Unlocking Bill Passes Committee.