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Show Links to all Kinds of Great Tech & Science News

GNC #819 Cyber Monday

Show Notes:
Google Fiber Goodness.
Firefox 18 Beta.
Tech in Classroom.
Verizon 3G Pay as you Go?
Solar + Chevy Volt = Awesome.
Sprint Launches LTE in 11 small markets.
Amazon 3 Billion Bond Sale.
iPhone 5 Cutting cost Margins.
Download all your Tweets.
Anonymous Strikes Texas School.
Fake Press Release?
Vocus / PRWeb has some explaining to do big time.
Megaupload and small movie releases impact.
Pentagon Robot Kill Policy.
Record Illinois police at will.
Hotel Lock bypass results in Thefts.
iOS make up 77% of Thanksgiving Sales?
Black Friday online sales 1 Billion Plus!
Lake Bacteria Found in Antarctic Lake.
Curiosity at 1yr.
Dust Storm on Mars.
Mars Colony at 500,000 per Head.
Ford Fiesta an MyFord Touch.
Dual Number Cell Phone.
132 Domains Taken Down on Cyber Monday.
Intel Processors with no Pins!
Windows 8 Crapware.
West Virginia Fraud Waste and Abuse.
Doxie Scanner.
Netflix Open Source.
Avalanche Airbag.
Kangaroo Bottle with Pouch!
Want a Dr Who Police Box?
Missing Moon Rocks.

GNC #818 Road Trip Show

Show Notes:
AC/DC on iTunes!
Facebook time waster?
Back to the Web?
Facebook Photo Sync.
Herding Cats!
Used Apple Gear on eBay.
Got Money to Waste?
Waterproof Backpack.
Bristol goes Gigabyte.
Moot told to Moot.it!
Black Friday Deals Consolidated.
Target Deals.
Office Max Deals.
Staples Deals.
Microsoft Deals.
Engadget Gift Guide.
Microsoft opens Early.
Mac Mini Heist Suspect Arrested.
Judge forces Unlocking of Facebook via Password Surrender.
Facebook goes Secure.
Hunting Drones.
U.S. Cellular Unlimited LTE.
ESPN on Xbox.
Mifi Liberate (Overkill).
Mobile TV
Cord Never’s gonna Hurt Cable.
Windows 8?
Start8 Utility.
Windows 8 Slow Sales?
System Crash reveals Ad Weakness.
UK Freedom of Speech Post.
Google Wants Open Airplay.
Modified Tractor.
RIAA Busy.
Oprah Pay to Play Gaff.
Germany Parents off Hook for P2P.
Megaupload Warrant Serious Questions.
Saturn Composite.
ExpoPlanet Image.
Goce goes Lower.
Soyuz Lands.

GNC #817 Two Thumbs.

Show Links:
Free Speech has an Ally?
No Tweeting for you.
Univ of Washington Ignorance.
Streisand Effect and Companies.
United Kingdom and Freedom of Speech.
Wow IDF and Tweeting.
Android at 73%!
Apple TV?
In a Galaxy Far Far Away.
Nokia and Maps.
Blogger Updates Apps.
UAL Computer Crash Again.
NASA and Laptops.
Time Warner tacks on Fee.
iOS 6 and BW.
More Data Center Analysis.
Artist fighting Pandora.
Google and 1 Billion in Renewable’s.
Google Map and iOS.
Google Now.
YouTube and Wii.
Cool Fan.
Clean Underwear.
Throttling coming to P2P.
WordPress takes BitCoin.
Call Miss Digg next time.
Spying on You.
$650 to shutdown NYC LTE.
Shuttle Shrink Wrap.
MI-26 in Action.
NASA helps Space X.
Rouge Planet on the Fringe.
President gives Military more Cyber Power.
Belkin for your iPad Mini.
Sprint Black Friday.

GNC #816 24hr Podcast?

Show Notes:
Digital Trail Bust them All.
John McAfee Accused of Murder.
Senator Reid and Cyber Security Act.
Groupon Sinking Ship?
Apple Benefits.
Sinofsky Bails.
Two to Replace One?
Two Second Rule.
678 Average Number of Texts Per Month?
US Mobile Stagnant.
Win 8 Getting Security Update.
Samsung Jacks Price up on Apple.
More Patent Trolls.
Fair Use Attacked Again.
Manuals & Copyright.
4g LTE in your Area?
Fender + Guitar + App = Cool.
DARPA needs Help!
Samsung Galaxy Camera.
Acer Chromebook $199.00
Ohio Attorney Digital Alterations hot water.
60% get Canceled at YouTube.
CODcasting Please?
Pepsi Special Fat Blocker?
Google Glasses wins Award?
Japan Music Purchases Plummet.
Mega goes Local.
uTorrent and Ads.
Pirate Bay Founder still in Jail.
Usenet under Attack.
Hiding your IP’s?
Beer Jacket.
Solar Eclipse Today.
The War on Noise.
France tells Amazon to Pay up.
Popcorn Maker.
Bravo seeks Tech in NYC.

GNC #815 Boing

Show Notes:
Angry Birds Star Wars.
Bike Truck.
AT&T & Facebook.
Shuttle Gear Tear Down.
Twitter False Alarm.
Google Cloud SQL.
Amazon Wine.
Foxconn in USA?
Web Radio.
Judge Blocks New Proposition.
Mastercard LED.
No Auto Hopper Shutdown.
Cisco VP on Hunt.
Pizza Hut Hacked.
NASA Experiment.
Stats and the Election.
Filtering Dropped?
Apple reverse course.
Bud and the Movies.
Pfizer Patent.
Fair Use attacked again.
AT&T discounts Tablets.
Get Your Domain Name!
Win 8 new Backup System.
Laundry Caddy.
Windows Phone and HTML5.
RapidShare Battles File Sharing.
BitTorren Red Hot.
Me.Ga no more.
Cray Gets Serious.
Card Box.
LTE Rollout Near Complete.

GNC #814 Road Show

Show Notes:
Apple Falling?
Facebook 24/7.
Twitter and Copyright.
More Smart Meter Security Concerns.
Public Payphone Needed or Not?
VP advises the MPAA.
DMCA censorship.
Verizon App Store Shuts down.
Mobile Data Gets Interesting.
Apple May Ditch Intel?
Mars Portrait.
Off to Mordor.
OS X Keyboard Shortcuts.
Paypal Foreign Sales.
CBS Sign deal Hulu.
Datarex Bars.
10,000 Artist.
Apple Patents to Assist Shutting your Phone Down.
Pandora fights ASCAP.
New Jersey Email Voting.
Kim Dotcom wants new Fiber.
NYC Residents can vote anyplace in State.
Typical Windows.
Cool Business Card!
Silicon Valley Stupidity.
Staples and Amazon Partner up.
Sharp Needs Help

GNC #813 Mini Demo

Show Notes:
Airlines and NYC.
Data Center Flooding.
Data Center Survival Battle.
Watch the Network collapse.
Squarespace bucket brigade.
Where is the Juice.
Tower Outages?
Lifehacker Offline.
Gawker Offline.
Huff Post iPad App Brilliant.
New Boxee TV.
Facebook Censor?
Feds No Dice on Mega Data.
Gov’t attack on the cloud!
Digital Shakedown Story.
1.5 Million because he did not show up.
9 Months + 13k.
Firefix below 20%.
Sharp in trouble?
Is your Apache hackable?
iOS 6.0.1
iPad Mini emm iPod teardown.
Judge smacks Apple Hard in U.K.
Google Outage?
Chrome Tablets at 41%.
HTML 5 Hacks.
Windows 8 Upgrades.
Sandy Donations.
Angry Birds and R2D2.
Google new iOS Voice Search.
Paypal Rebates.
Russian Spying Again on Citizens.
Evernote for Mac Updated.
10,000 Lab rats Drowned.
Atlantis heads to Tourist Area.
Cool Mac Stands.
OSX Battery Check.
Winzip 17.
Subway Water Plug.
Gangnam USB.
USB Typewritter.
Portal Cubes.

GNC #812 Where am I?

Show Notes:
Will storm take out Data Center?
Millions without Power.
200+ Data Centers Brace for Impact.
Some Sites Offline.
Titan Super Computer.
Apple Shake Up.
Windows 8 Core Apps Questions.
RT – Read Me First.
Win 8 Phone 150k Apps.
Win 8 Upgrade Diary.
New Skype for Windows Phone.
Supreme Court Case on Copyright.
Worst Passwords.
Yahoo Ignores Do Not Track.
Liberty for Security?
FBI 24/7 Finally?
France Playing Hard Ball.
GameStop Kids?
Netflix & Sandy.
Paypal cutting Jobs.
Facebook Mobile Ads Suck.
EFF Fights for Aereo.
RapidShare Loosens Up.
Mega to Launch on Raid Anniversary.
DOJ Fight MegaUpload.
Search Warrants to be Opened?
AMD/Arm in 2014?
Snapchat or Licence to Abuse?
HP Printers.
Flash 11 Payload.
Bodyboard – Powered.
Wireless Charging.
Dragon Recovered with Cargo.
iPad as Second Screen.
Steve Jobs Yacht.

GNC #811 Alive and Well

Show Notes:
Windows 8 Launch.
Pics from Windows 8 Launch.
Media Center Free Upgrade for Pro.
Windows 8 Live Blog.
More Hardware for Microsoft.
Mac Users should hold Up.
Windows 8 Upgrade Process.
Windows 8 deep Dive.
Windows 8 Install Process.
Kindle App for Windows 8.
Stand in Line get a $100.00
Twitter Interactive.
Smartphones and Boarding Passes = Oh Boy.
DOJ Warns DotCom.
Stunning iMac.
iPad Mini.
iPad Mini Screen Sucks.
Apple Music Streaming Service.
Apple Trade Marks
Fusion Drive.
Apple competition?
Apple Maps.
Imgur on the Grow.
Things Go Boom in Space.
25 Best Blogs.
Soyuz to ISS + Fish?
28 Day Movie Release.
Cool Acoustic Guitar Pickup.
Pocket come to Mac.
Robot Underpants.
PogoPlug Mobile.
iPad Mini BlueTooth.
Vista Telescope.
Amazon bleeding money.
Apple clears 8.2b

GNC #810 Sick Host

Show Notes:
Samsung Says Adios to Apple.
Bill Gates and Windows 8.
Skype & Windows 8.
Windows 8 Doom and Gloom.
LG and Windows 8.
13.5 Billion Years in a Video.
Dish and AMC Settle.
Wifi Aware Light Bulbs.
Samsung Galaxy S3 Update.
Belkin Folio.
Vaccination Via Email.
Cassette Back Up.
IPS Displays and a Elevator.
Fix your Focus.
Laser + Airplane = Go to Jail.
iPad Mini are you ready.
Big Data gets onboard Data.
Tivo says pay up.
Wearable computer.
Android Apps Security Issues.
1.6 Billion on Ancestry.com
Dark Google Search.
Apple Class Action Suit.
Tweetbot $19.99 why?
Live Fire Cyber Test.
Soyuz to ISS.
Software Defined Radios.
Better Update your Crypto.
Space Refueling.
Mars Soil Analysis.
ISS Supply Launch delayed.