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Show Links to all Kinds of Great Tech & Science News

GNC #758 Back from NAB!

Listener Links:
See through Walls with Mobile!
NY to LA in 45 Minutes.
Cable TV Cost going up Why?
Three years Student Bay Ops and Website go free.

Show Notes:
Verizon Shared Data Plans.
Escalation of Copyright.
Megaupload Trial may never Happen.
Don’t take pictures at the Olympics.
Bypassing the Spinal Cord!
Cadillac Self Drive
Mac Botnet still rolling.
FBI Seizes Servers.
Black Box Car recorder in your Car.
Kids Space Video – Cool!
Instagram + Facebook = Antitrust Free?
Anonymous Takes out F1 Site.
iiNet Not Liable.
Skype on xBox.
Kickstarter Amazing Growth.
WeVideo + Short Videos Cloud Editor.
German Courts Idiots.
Apple Sued for Touch.
VC and Instagram Effect.
Facebook has new Data Center.
LightSquared gets 56 Million!
Chumby RIP.

GNC #757 Are you an Enabler?

Listener Links:

Multitouch Floor.
UFO Approaches Shuttle Atlantis?

Show Notes:
Earthquake Craziness.
Macs finally get Malware Update.
Google Financials.
Facebook and your Data.
Ustream vs Livestream.
Adobe CS6.
LiveU Announcement.
More Cyber Lockers go Down.
Hotfile Battle Continues.
Megaupload Lawyer.
Mophie Juice Pack Update.
YouTube Live ads Pay Per View.
Violate Away with Risk.
Movie Industry still Lost.
Thunerbolt coming to PC’s
Google Glasses to work with prescription Glasses!
What Happens to Digital when your DOA?
Ransomware on the Incline.
Goldman Sach Programmer walks.
Lodsys to get Hammered by Apple.
Instagram 1 Billion in 2 Years.
Show Palm make Withdrawl.
Cardboard Arcade.
Boxee 200k Only?
Underground Garage.
User Beware.
Boys will be Boys.
Solar/Hotwater Heater Combined.
Pebble Smartwatch.
Microsoft Roadmap.
Convert Faucet to Fountain in 5 seconds.

GNC #756 Best Tech Show on Earth!

Listener Links:
Build It, Market It, Sell It.
MPAA joins Party.
NYC Payphone booths get new lease.

Show Notes:
Iran to Cut the Cord.
Amazing ISS Image.
Twitter lets us look under Hood.
Cellphone Theft Database.
HBO Go comes to Comcast.
Time Shifting Radio Illegal?
Smart Meters Hacked.
Utah Breach Huge.
Marriott Hotels Reverse Actions.
Hybrid Owners not buying Hybrids.
Intel Finally delivers USB 3.0!
Third Graders and Cell Phones.
1 Billion for AOL Patents.
Yes it was a Hot March.
Shuttles of to Museums.
Shuttle vs Soyuz.
Major Copyright Battle Underway.
CISPA Part 1.
CISPA Part 2.
Netflix Political Pac?
Ze Frank Newest Show.
Skitter Roku Live Channel.
Opt Out Move Images from Instagram.
Flashback trojan quick check.
Paper App.
* The Gadget Show Live Coverage.
Google Glasses Parody Great.
SINDE – Spain Law Detailed.
PlanOn Scanner.
Windows Vista Support Extended to 2017.
AT&T Unlocking out of Contract iPhones.
Commodore Founder RIP.

GNC #755 Live from Indy

Listener Links:
Smartphone of Future.
Give me my Files.
Pirate Party – Pirate Bay.
IE Makes up Ground.
PlayStation 4
UK Big Brother.
Hand Gestures.
4-1-12 Gag.
MPAA gets Nasty with Cyber Lockers.
Startup Weekend Pittsburgh.
Shuttle Decommissioning.

Show Notes:
Senators think FTC are Magicians.
Tornado on Mars.
Boeing Spacecraft.
Owe Taxes not Travel for You!
MediaFire called out?
Spanish SOPA in play.
Sky News Hacking Email Accounts?
600,000 Macs Hacked!
Get Mobile Site for Free.
Predators banned from xBox Live etc.
Jobs Act is a Go!
Arianna Demoted 🙂
Indie Bookseller Sites Canceled.
Viacom wins one against YouTube.
iPhone 4s comes to Regional Markets.
Sony Regorups?
New Hydrogen Reactor.
Cutting the Cords.

GNC #754 Tech News and Info

Listener Links:

14 Geek Beers.

Show Notes:
MegaMillions Odds.
Loosing war on Hackers?
Frequency iPad App!
NHTSA Battle for your GPS!
Cook in China Cook’s something up.
Spotify Free account keeps cranking.
Best Buy to close 50 stores.
Chrome Version 18?
iPhone Money Clip.
Comcast rewords BW Offer.
Windows Media Center in Windows 8.
Hard Drive Testing.
Kindle Fire on Sale.
Hulu Plus Updated 10 Android Tablets.
Chinese Bugs in our Electronics?
Astronomy App and Table = AWESOME!
Commenting Systems Changing.
200 Mil on Big Data Research.
3.7 Million year Fossil Mini Foot.
Your Google Account Activity.
OnStar Family Tracker!
Bust iPhone Password in 2 Minutes.
House Tries to Limit FCC!
6-6 is turn on IPV6 Day!
Apollo 11 1st Stage Rockets.
Cassini Rocking Images.
20 Ton Cargo Craft Arriving at ISS.
Mars Lava or Water?
**The Solution to Wireless Spectrum Issues**
Pirate Bay with Interest.
50% have Drunk the Kool-Aid.
LED for Bikers.

GNC #753 Privacy Soapbox Time!

Listener Links:

Record Hail in Hawaii
Deep Dive!
BitTorrent Punishment.
The App Builder.

Show Notes:
Privacy by Design.
Can we really have Privacy online?
Microsoft Messenger now a Censor Tool.
Schools overstepping their boundaries!
Righthaven Finished.
Scan me Steal from me!
Windows 8 Performance.
Google Autocomplete in Japan?
Comcast + Xbox = Awesome!
RICO act used to stop Hackers.
Apple brings out the Hammer.
41 Million Wasted Dollars.
Murdoch in hot Water again!
HTC Phone Users Heads Up!
Microsoft PR Nightmare.
Pain Free Needle.
Get More time!
Russia Splashes a Sat!
Megaupload #1
Megaupload #2
Megaupload #3
Targus USB 3.0 Video Extender.
Espresso made in the Car?
Pair for Lovers.
Zune out Front on Windows 8 Podcasters Rejoice!
Scrip App.
Facebook Trademarks “Book”?

GNC #752 The Crud Strikes!

Listener Links:

Google Defends MegaUpload.
Two Rambling Idiots.

Show Notes:
Kim Dotcom gets $60k per Month.
Hunger Games.
Retina coming to MacBook?
ISP Code of Conduct.
Code of Conduct.
Fake Settlement Demands.
Bogus Ruling is Setback.
Australian ISP Secret P2P Talks.
Ads from Phone Background Noise.
Aussie Wardriving.
OWN getting Hammered.
18 Million MacPro Case.
Seesmic cuts Staff.
Blip cuts Distro.
Startup Bill excites me!
Vitamin Warning.
Balding Cure?
Facebook + Wife + 911 = 60 days in Jail.
iPad Cover Issues.
Ice Cream Sandwich Update.
My Visa Issue.
Eventbrite Card reader.
Nielsen to Measure Net.
Cyber Rules of Engagement.
Lacie 2Big.
Windows 8 Scaling and Retina Display.
AT&T sued by FCC.
Cannon 5D Mark III
UFO in Russia.
Mercury Mission Extended.

GNC #751 April Road Show

Listener Links:

More TSA Weirdness.
Gadgets in 2025.

Show Notes:
Six Strikes – Time to Protest!
Academics Fight Back.
Sat Sinker or Antarctica Godsend.
NASA Space Apps Challenge.
Sue me if you can.
Climate Change Attitudes.
Top 10 in App Store.
CafePress Acquisition.
Facebook Discount Rate.
Pirate Bay going Airborne.
Truckers Jamming GPS.
PowerEx ehh Fedex?
Watch Video and Get Sued.
1st Pirate Bay Defendant goes to Jail!
Google Defends HotFile!
Cash Rich means Payday!
Burning Globe!
Angry Bird F1 Helmet.
YouTube Cry Babies.
Firefox 13 Beta.
Why Spam Notices.
Get your discs scanned at Walmart?
I miss my iPhone.
Google Video in Kansas City MO.
Seattle GoFlex Satellite.
H.264 coming to Mozilla.
Windows 8 Launch October.
Seagate Milestone.
Google Traffic.

GNC #750

Listener Links:

Wallops Island Space Research!
Delorean that Fly’s

Show Notes:
Google Hires Kevin Rose and Crew WT?
What’s a Geek!
7-12-12 Is ISP Spy on You Day!
Are you an Authorized Charger?
iPad 3 tear down.
PayPal takes on Square.
URL’s and Names don’t Mater?
Sprint Bails on LightSquared.
Hulu Player gets Bigger.
Sony Bloggie Sport.
Givit gives to Flip Users.
Buffalo Air Station.
Toilet Tip.
iPad the new Video Camera?
Mozilla to support h.264?
70,000 feet Skydive!
NASA Montage.
LRO Video.
Google Coal Miners.
SpaceX to ISS April 30th!
A Big Amazon Cloud!
New Mars Rover Tweeting.
Verizon vs AT&T on 4G LTE!
Facebook still #1 Divorce Machine.
Artist continue to get Screwed.
MPAA still has big Heads!
Patriot Act Expanding.
Do you Really need that Unlimited Data Plan?

GNC #749 Silicon Valley Road Show

Listener Links:

Nasa says no Mayan Apocalypse
New Less than Lethal System.
Big E Final Cruise.
eBook Fed Crackdown.

Show Notes:
Wireless to South Pacific.
ICANN provides seizure manual to Gov’ts
Don’t mess with Texas err Internet.
SXSW Panel gets festive.
Startup Overload at SXSW.
NASA needs Rusian Ferry Longer!
Why Windows 8 Will Fail!
Don’t Lose your Smartphone.
Smart Meters battle Theft in Brazil
MegaUpload used by Government People.
Twitter acquires Posterous.
Intel your new Cable Guy.
CNN to Acquire Mashable?
Blog Police?
Crazy RC Flying!
Chinese Spies.
Space Fireworks.
Pirate Bay to be Raided?
Pirate Box — GNC Distro 🙂
More P2P Money Demands Maybe!
24hr Apple TV Network.
Crazy new tent.
Set you PC Time.
See a Space Shuttle.
Homeless Hotspots.
Stitcher on BMW.
AT&T 4g Expansion.
Android Roku App.