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Show Links to all Kinds of Great Tech & Science News

GNC #870 Homestead

Show Notes:
Digg Reader.
MacPro Pricing.
Buying a PC?
Windows 8.1 Feature List.
Apple New Patent 2 in 1.
Android Firefox Update.
Prompter Fail.
NBA & Glass.
Delta Fined.
Pandora on Defense.
BT messes with Channels.
Voyager Update.
Microsoft goes to quick release.
BA permanent luggage tags.
RSS Viewer App.
Countdown to Shutdown.
Recon jet.
Connected House.
Apple Smart Watch.
Jimmy Wales.
FCC Airway Sale.
Blocking websites.
DISA Cyber Security.
Ouya Review.
Reeder Not Ready.
T-Mobile Event.
Micro Sats.
FCC and Carrier Privacy.

GNC #868 Big News

Show Notes:
Cyborgs are we?
Glass as big as iPhone?
Gamble Online?
Who needs the Constitution?
Troll Hunting.
Digg Reader.
MA. Has Lost there Collective Minds.
Fermi Paradox.
Xbox One Changes.
Black Boxes in our Cars.
Pirate Bay Founder to Jail.
Aarons law.
Aussie Super Computer.
Facebook Instagram Videos.
Apple Antitrust.
AP & Bambuser.
Logitech Harmony News.
Hell is Other People.
Ford Wireless Breaking.
FeedDemon the Last Version.
MacPro Design.
Linkedin Customer Service.
Apple TV Update.
Facebook Photo Comments.
Vine Talent Agency.
Instagram Videos.
iPads in LA Schools.
MegaUpload data wiped.
KAT gets domain back.
***** NASA Billion Pixel Image ******
Best Legal Letter Yet.
Ten Mac Apps.
Rovio Viking Voyage.
Microsoft decides not to play.
LG Event.
1700 Domains and Counting.

GNC #687 Nothing to Fear?

Show Notes:
TPW #100
Get Over it?
Yahoo by the Numbers.
Apple by the Numbers.
Immunity for Everyone.
Texas New Privacy Law
Spy Gear.
TWC – No Throttling?
Hotel Wifi.
Verizon Netflix Issue.
Crazy Mad Scientist.
Dropbox Update.
Waka Waka.
Digg Reader.
Airbus A350 Cockpit.
Outlook.com User Changes.
Sprint LTE Expansion.
Sprint sues Dish.
Safecast Radiation Readings.
Fountain of Youth.
TWC – Six Strike Letter.
Russia SOPA No Good.
Foursquare Tracker Creepy.
Google Fights the Child Porn.
Medical Math to find Disease.
Ford get Buttons.
Don’t Lie to Judge.
Government Taking Downs
Netflix Original.
Sony Goes Large.
New Astronauts.
Internet Fraud.
Mobile Speed Results.
Chromebook Retailers.
JayZ Free Album.
The X3 helicopter.

GNC #866 Trust

Show Notes:
What is your profile worth?
Microsoft Store.
Communicate with ET.
Google Glass Teardown.
Nothing to Hide?
Someones Quiet.
Congress Waking Up?
Are you a criminal?
Brain Stimulation Dangerous?
Sony NEX F3.
Facebook Hashtags.
New / Old xBox 360.
See a LTE Site.
New CMOS Sensor.
New Collider.
Bigger iPhone?
eCall for all Vehicles.
iOS 7 Insights.
Big Bang Inflation.
NASA Startup Infusion.
Enterprise to Desktop.
NYC 3D Gun Bill.
Boxee Sale or cash.
Chinese in Space.
Mars Toxic.
Solar Sail.
Big Cable Meanies.
Rovio Angry Birds.
Google+ Update.
Thumb Drive.
Happy Birthday Suit.
Debian Security Notice.
Sweeden No to Google Apps.
Google buys Waze.

GNC #865 Privacy

Show Notes:
NSA Spy Scandal.
The Company Line.
Go Straight to Jail.
Polls Paint a Weird Opinion.
3 Billion Class Action Suit.
Woz on the Cloud.
Supreme Court and FISA.
WWDC Yawn.
iOS 7 Preview.
Mac Pro Weird.
New iPad / iPhone Lock.
iOS More profitable?
Xbox One Hype.
Xbox One $499.00
PS4 $399.00
Sony & Play Station Network.
PS4 Vendor Lineup.
PS4 to cost Monthly.
PS4 No Restrictions.
Mega Bandwidth.
Get ready to pay Warner Brothers.
MalwareBytes as you to Pay.
Police Shakedown.
87 Months for Copyright Violation.
GOT P2P Record.
Sprint More Money on Table.
Hacker who Helped Police Arrested.
Android Gmail Update not Good?
Logitech keyboard.
Massive Game Source Code Hacked.
Sync your Gmail.

GNC #864 Live in Texas

Show Notes:
Your Call Records Belong to Uncle Sam.
White House says Spying on Americans Good to Go.
Verizon in Damage Control.
Securing your Comms.
Feds can search your Laptop no Search Warrant.
Iowa is Smart, California Stupid.
Anti Patent Troll Op-Ed.
FBI and Microsoft take out Botnet
250k Sites Taken Down.
Curiosity on the Move.
New Battery.
Redbox on Roku.
High Volume Trading.
Prenda in the News.
ATM Theft.
Araine to ISS with ATV-4
TPN Weekly.
Why Google Reader got the Axe.
Google Reader Lessons.
That’s 100 Million Please.
Thunderbolt Flash memory.
Check Propane levels.
Vines on Android.
Avast and VPN.
Webos Update.
Glass POV.
Mobile Phone Unlocking.
Frown to unlock Phone.
Grade Tampering in India.
OS X Update.
Apple Trade In Service.
Xbox One Gamepad.

GNC #863 185%

Show Notes:
Search for Calories.
Worlds Tallest Building in 90 Days.
Pinterest approves Porn.
Audio Evolution.
YouTube Slow Motion.
Gmail Revamp.
Bye Bye Pandora.
Teens moving away from Facebook.
Robot Underpants.
The Gadget Professor.
Smart Home from a Smart Phone.
Roku gets big cash Infusion.
Money Laundering and BitCoin.
Phone Prankers to get 5 years?
US Gov’t settles with ACLU.
We where not serious.
Gov’t may be forced to release docs.
Start Button back but how.
Facebook Verified.
Fan TV.
Salt feeds the Stars.
iCloud data not Secure.
*Support the EFF.
Tweetbot for Mac.
Mars Mission Deadly.
Iran Sanctions Loosened?
Flickr Usage Up!
Isolation Tank.
Trouble at Airbnb.
Apple drops price on mac for students.
Google to release Exploit Info.
Twitter Lists.
Anonymous Payment companies under scrutiny.
WSJ Social Community?
Tumblr Users Not Happy.

GNC #862 Memorial Day Show

Show Notes:
Glass the Future.
How Rich.
Teenagers and the Net.
Black PR.
Password Crackers.
Weird Stuff.
Prenda Not Paying.
Ohio Bans Internet Cafes.
Recommendation to Spy?
$400.00 Year Plant.
Moon Dust Found.
Super Earth.
160 Feet Down.
Chinese Spys.
Chill a Beer with Slingshot.
Faster Fiber.
Flickr Re-Launch.
Apple versus Xbox One.
TV Streaming Battle.
Mobile Dating.
Train Drone.
Google Bike Maps .
Chromium Reset.
Another EV company goes Bust.
Woz on Gadget Dependency.
UGO Speakers.
Google Buzz Archived.
DHS Leaks.
Digital Diary.
Toothbrush Cup.
Mech App.
$2500 cup of Joe.
Solar Kettle.
Quadcopter RC Car.
Geek Engagement Ring.
Cool 3d Printer.

GNC #861 New Box is Here

Show Notes:
Google Photo Search.
AT&T Admin Fee.
Hulu Bids Due.
Congrats Nick.
Get your Grill on.
Cliff Jumping with Snowmobile.
Pulsar GPS.
Itch Gene.
Xbox One.
Pandora Update.
Acer C7.
Chrome Beta.
Leica Mini M.
Microsoft Wins.
3D Trach.
Sprint to get Gov’t Overseer.
Kim Patent Troll?
Fios 77tb Monthly Limit?
Struck by Lightning.
Mouse Start Button?
Google Encryption.
uTorrent 5 Billion Views.
RIAA Massive Lay Offs.
Hurt Locker Sues Attorney.
Glass Face Recognition?
Astronaut Suit Movie.
GOES-13 Dead in Space.
Android Malware.
Tesla Pays off Gov’t Loan.
Self Driving Car How Much?
Power Utility Hacking.
Patent Troll gets Sued by State.
RIAA 20 Million Takedowns.
Concept Bike Light.
Storm Troper.
Gold iPad.
Google Drive Update.

GNC #560 Mixing it up

Show Notes:
Tumblr 1.1 Billion
Pinterest Next?
FBI – Only Notes.
Reporter Threatened.
EFF taking Bitcoin.
Pay the Tax.
Red Cross App.
NYC – Airbnb – Illegal.
Flickr Update.
Flickr 1TB
SPOT Global Phone.
New Xbox coming today.
Xbox Preview.
Apple Tax Evaders?
Space Auction Items Pulled.
Canadian Gov’t workers Busted.
Six Strike Parent Wrath.
$4.00 will get you 2 years.
FBI Wiretapping Proposed Changes.
Rooftop Solar hurting Utilities.
Put those Towers up.
Leap Motion = Way Cool.
Finger Printing Tourist?
Record Per Visitor Revenue.
Skype not Secure.
Pay TV on Decline.
Google Phone.
Math Genius.
Chinese blow up 3.5 km road.
Hangout – Easter Eggs.
Promotted Tweets.
Vudu App Updated.